
Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Crime of the Century

A retired Pennsylvania teacher is suing his local government after he was convicted of a criminal charge for putting a “For Sale” sign in his truck window. 

Will Cramer teamed up with the Institute for Justice last week to take legal action against the borough of Nazareth over its ordinance, claiming that it’s a violation of his First Amendment rights, according to the nonprofit law firm.


  1. It's like that Ayn Rand quote about laws being inverted to protect the criminals....
    Gawd we are so fucked it's not even funny.

    1. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed. Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged 1957

  2. JFC.. nothing else for these people to deal with in these end times but a for sale sign, gotta be demorats

    1. If that's all the crime there is in Nazareth, I need to move there.

  3. What they forgot to mention was the small print on the teacher's for-sale sign said: "Hot Students, cheer leaders & Trannies extra".

  4. Replies
    1. Karen is what?

    2. If you claim you don't know what a Karen is you probably are one.

    3. Jeremy - don't know what apostrophes are, do you?

    4. Anon@1:27 please show us where Jeremy used an apostrophe incorrectly. We'll wait.

    5. Karen's = contraction for Karen is _
      Karens' = _ belongs to Karen
      Karens = multiples of Karen
      OMG one is bad enough.
      John in Indy

    6. Jeremy didn't use an apostrophe incorrectly. The anonymous commenters are referring to "Karen's" which is equivalent to "Karen is". So the question was "Karen is what?".
      Since Jeremy didn't understand what the anonymous poster was referring to, he was given a not so gentle hint that the question involved proper use of the apostrophe.
      Jim_R (not one of the original commenters in this thread.)

  5. Sounds like the story from Wyoming about the Girl Scout who was selling cookies from her grandparents property along the highway. Her mother was fined for parking in her parents driveway and cited for letting her daughter sell cookies along the highway by a Wyoming traffic dweeb who must have been a hall monitor in grade school.

  6. Damn, he could have driven it around and someone would have flagged him down.

    Looked like it wasn't infested by iron moths...

  7. A 33 year old ordinance to solve a problem that didn't exist.
    This isn't about law and order and safety and shit. This is just revenue collecting by any means possible.
    Fucking assholes.

  8. As this is his own property, then by reasonable association, everyone who posts a for sale sign on their home for sale is also guilty, as well as all the realtors, car dealerships, restaurants. The only ones NOT guilty would be the politicians who constantly sell themselves, yet don't advertise with signage.

  9. The Philippines will be a great opportunity to get away from the government nazis.... Lots of negatives about living in the Philly but it's still a pretty free country compared to our present situation


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