
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The most New York story you'll read all day

The man who fatally shot two officers in Salina Sunday night put together a "Frankenstein" weapon with illegal parts before the shooting the Onondaga County District Attorney confirmed.

DA Bill Fitzpatrick told the I-Team that Christopher Murphy put together the Springfield AR-15 in such a way that allowed him to avoid the typically required permit in New York State. He legally purchased a lower barrel receiver in 2019; at some point after that, he purchased a protruding pistol grip and a 40-round "banana" magazine, creating a rifle that is illegal in New York.

According to a firearms expert, a Springfield AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle that shouldn't be in the possession of just anyone.


A lower barrel receiver? A professor in criminal justice is automatically a firearms expert? Accurate firearms are a hazard? Honest citizens want a serialized firearm?
Put the Kool-Aid down, people.


  1. That IS how they think there, I used to live there... And they want to impose their brand on thinking on everybody.

  2. This is only the second most New York story I've read today. I just read a story over at The Captain's Journal about a New York judge who, in her court room during a trail, proclaimed “The Second Amendment doesn’t exist in this court room”. This was just before she literally instructed the jury to find the defendant guilty on several gun related charges.

    1. That statement should be grounds for immediate disbarment.

    2. Modify her statement to read "the 14th Amendment doesn't exist in this court room," and see how people's reactions would change.

    3. She obviously translated the words in her oath of office from "I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the constitution of the United States" to "The law is what I say it is".
      There seems to be a lot of that going around these days.

  3. This is the crap that the uninformed rabid anti-gun people in NY, CA, CT, NJ and MA (and elsewhere) spew forth all the time. Someone intent on shooting the DA can get/make a firearm even if they are a felon who may not possess one. Similarly, people convicted of DWI in NYS that should not be drinking alcohol, drink anyway and cause fatal accidents.

    I say that the solution is to pass a law requiring all firearms in the state to be “well behaved firearms.” If the State officials want to see examples of such firearms, ask any responsible owner for advice. Mine (except for my home defense shotgun) sit quietly in my safe until I take them to the range, and unlike little kids, the ones left behind sit in the safe quietly until it is their turn for an outing to the range. Even a machine gun in my hands would not cause any trouble except to my wallet, which is why I would not own one even if I could acquire one.

    So here’s Ed’s my message: Let’s go Brandon, and eff governor Hochul!

  4. Screw their firearms experts and the horses they rode in on

  5. Yeah, I read lower barreled receiver and spit my coffee up. More idiots in control.

  6. Watch for the anti depressants.

  7. Because we all know if this terrible gun had their magical serial number then it wouldn't be able to float about killing people.. ... Democracy dies in the darkness of stupidity and feel good policies designed to make everyone feel safe, healthy, uncivil and immoral.

  8. **According to a firearms expert, a Springfield AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle that shouldn't be in the possession of just anyone. "You know, there's no legitimate reason for you know, a normal person to possess anything like that," **

    Semi-auto dangerous and should be illegal. Scary shit, man. Tell that to the Homies and MS-13 dudes.

    1. If he printed the lower, how is it manufactured by Springfield?

    2. Not by, but IN Springfield. Just a quick jump east over the New York border. Well, actually, he had it made by a buddy with a 3D printer in his garage over in East Longmeadow.

  9. Also, this from the article: "... a police officer generally carries a total of 46 rounds on their person or three rounds with 15 magazines each." What do we need artificial intelligence for when real intelligence can fail just as spectacularly?

  10. About 15 years ago in Syracuse someone was killed by a guy with a 30-30.
    This "news" site referred to it as "a high powered lever action sniper rifle ".
    I kid you not...

  11. "three rounds with 15 magazines each" ??

  12. I'll guarantee every deputy and cop in Onandoga County has an AR-15 with 30 round magazines in the trunk of his prowler.

    1. Q- When is an AR-15 with a 30 round magazine not a 'Weapon of War'?
      A- When it's in the trunk of Officer Friendly's Prowler. Then it's a 'Patol Rifle'.

  13. The author was so eager to push every stereotypical anti-gun piece of propaganda that he was tripping all over his third leg. What a bunch of hysterical nonsense.

    1. You misspelt "Tripping all over his tampon string".


    2. Stepped on it, you mean.

  14. I remember a news story from the hellish four years I lived in New Jersey. The story stated that a local fire department had uncovered an “arsenal” when responding to a house fire. The arsenal consisted of a hunting rifle, a shotgun and “dozens” of rounds of ammunition. At that point, I realized I needed to move back to the South as soon as possible.

  15. "According to Rodriguez, a police officer generally carries a total of 46 rounds on their person or three rounds with 15 magazines each. " - You could not make this up!
    "In my experience, I can tell you one thing: this is almost a weapon of war." - I'm guessing he's been asked before "What War?"


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