
Friday, April 12, 2024

"When I was your age I walked 8 miles uphill to school"

A 33-year-old mother in Arkansas was arrested earlier this week for allegedly forcing her 7-year-old son to walk about eight miles to his elementary school after the child missed the bus and telling authorities that it was “not her problem.”


  1. l wonder if she has any bad habits?

  2. What will you bet the school is who ratted her out?

  3. Luxury. When I was a kid I ........

    1. And you try and tell the young people of today that ... they won't believe you.

  4. If you call the school and tell them your kid missed the bus they will send the Breakdown bus to pickup your kid. Door to door service most times.

  5. Ha! It wasn't even in the snow, and you call that uphill?

  6. Depending on the season, when I missed the bus I got to freeze my ass off shoveling cow shit or sweat my ass off shoveling cow shit. If I had a chance at the 8 mile walk I would have chosen it every time.

  7. my dad used to say he had to walk uphill both ways to the bus to go to school. we never believed him.

    ossipee,NH there was a valley road, and a ridge road. and he lived halfway up the ridge. so they'd pick him up at the top of the ridge, and drop him off in the valley. uphill, both ways.

  8. Starker here,
    When my older boy missed his bus he crossed the road and met the bus on it's loop. We thought that was very responsible. The school said it was irresponsible and suspended him from the bus for two weeks for getting on at the wrong stop. The real shame of it is, this is the best public school in my area. Had a few discussions with various people while my three went there.

    1. It’s a damn shame we have to rely on such as this to teach our kids. Maybe they are just holding on to the last vestiges of control they have.

  9. In the 70's me and my brother had to walk to school after missing the bus.......a lot longer than 8 one had a problem with it and we lived

  10. When I was a kid I either walked to school or used my bicycle. OK, it was only 1,5 km. And being driven to school? Only if the weather was really, really bad. Otherwise it was "Suck it up."
    Alex Lund

  11. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


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