
Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Commentary: Finding Authentic Male Friendship in a Loneliness Epidemic

In an increasing online world, people are lonelier than ever, especially men. In a 2021 study, 15 percent of men reported having no close friends, up from only three percent in the early 1990s. Perhaps more alarmingly, 28 percent of young men (under 30 years old) reported not having any close social connections.

As a man, I can speak to this deficit of male friendship. Many of us can say hello in passing, talk about the weather, and maybe discuss the latest sports news, but how many of our connections truly care about us and would be there when we need them?


  1. Score another "victory" for Social Madia fueled Smartphones.

  2. People are living through their phones and keyboards. Old guys like me still fuck in person.

  3. Well I put it all on the TV. Used to be we went to a tavern and got to discussing things around a brew. Not to mention we were mostly farmers and they help each other a lot more than is noticed. So little chance to find like minded people. Or even id the opposition.

    Even churches filled the void. That is about the best place to go right now.

    1. The church had long been referred to as the meeting place (Col. Parker reference April 19, 1775) or the assembly hall; for assignments in charity work, social meetings, and more.
      Increasingly, govt usurped those roles.

    2. Yep. I've always been private and comfortable alone. I have one friend at church whom I've grown close to (but there are other blokes there who are good men). We are very different but he sees the world like I do (apart from being sucked into Covid shots).
      When my first wife left the mutual friends did as well which saw me decide there's no point in fickle relationships. I've been very independent since then which frustrates my wife no end.

  4. Males forming friendships has long been seen as difficult. But the handheld box has made it worse.
    My nephew and other young adults have told me that they have many friends. Inquiry reveals these 'friends' are online and usually revolve around playing video games.

  5. Males forming friendships has long been seen as difficult. But the handheld box has made it worse.
    My nephew and other young adults have told me that they have many friends. Inquiry reveals these 'friends' are online and usually revolve around playing video games.

  6. Guys as a whole don't air their dirty laundry to each other like girls do, don't talk about their feelings, their bad hair days, the latest fashion trends, who is fucking who and so on.... Guys tend to be independent in nature and tend to get together when others need help, an occasional poker game and in my circle fight nights.... A man needs good friends but our ideas on that is different than what women need and modern society can't stand the fact that guys don't want to be like girls so we get articles like this..

  7. I decided that I'd reached social equilibrium. Looking back and looking around, the number of people I have disappointed is pretty well balanced by the number who have disappointed me so now I just don't bother.

  8. I've found a lot of guys my age... 50's... are worried about keeping up with sportsball & drinking, most just live in the moment, in debt with "toys" cause they know they are slaves to debt they'll never pay off so they figure have fun while ya can. Most have been divorced & remarried paying the ex child support.

    When the subject of current events comes up it's the " ya can't do anything about it" mentality comes out. You can't trust folks like that.

  9. If a friend is someone you can honestly talk about reality with, then things like 9-11, the war on freedom, the stolen election, the PLANNEDEMIC, the jab, etc. have SEVERELY culled the pool of people that folks can honestly and openly interact with (because you know they have lost their minds, can't discuss anything in a sane or rational manner, etc). Social media is only part of the problem. Frankly, I feel like I can relate far better to most (not all) of the commenters I come across on sites like this than I can with 99% of the men I know in person.

  10. We male loners are common, but I've never met a female one. The saddest people I know are socially awkward women who do not connect easily with others, no matter how hard they try. One of my few friends is such a woman whom I've worked with for ages. She is far more comfortable with me than she is with the women at the job.

    As for myself, I prefer close family members, and by 'close' I refer to proximity, not necessarily sharing DNA. I like having sons, DILs, nieces and nephews and a few lifelong family friends close by.

  11. I can count my friends on one hand...

  12. I have no friends, only associates.

  13. Early in our relationship, I told my wife she was the only person I'd ever met who, being with her, wasn't worse than being by myself. She said, "That's a compliment, I suppose." I don't feel any different after fifty years.

  14. As an older man, the stark fact that women live longer than man is hitting home. The pandemic cost me two close friends, or more accurately the vaccine did. The guys I meet today seem tired and worn out. And with no memories of earlier days to share, no bonding can happen.

    Maybe I'll make some friends in my citizen militia unit when we muster for the push on Washington. And Epstein didn't kill himself.


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