
Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Commentary: Free Markets are Necessary But Not Sufficient

For most of our lifetimes, classically liberal economics so dominated the Right that nobody wondered if conservatives were abandoning free markets. In recent years, though, a new generation of conservative thinkers—more traditionalist, populist, or nationalist than libertarian—has challenged the utility and even the morality of laissez faire economic policy.

We welcome their questions and critiques, as they have compelled American conservatives to have a long overdue conversation about the market, the family, and the state. But the blunt truth is the movement cannot abandon free markets. The moral and practical case for free enterprise is as necessary today as it was when Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher used it to rescue their nations’ economies and win the Cold War.


  1. There hasn't been a free market in the US on anything as long as I've been alive (74 years). The government controls everything! Without a license and adherence to the rules, you will not operate a business. Prove me wrong....please!

  2. So long as a central bank exists (the Federal Reserve), there is NO FREE MARKET IN THE US. Once you understand the market-disruptive role they play, you will stop pretending that the free market exists here. Sadly, 90% of so called Conservatives LOVE being able to use the violence and force of the government to achieve their goals, and LOVE using the regulatory and theft power of the government to hand out goodies to boost the profits of the companies they are heavily invested in or just worship (arms dealers).

    1. ROTFLMFAO, please explain the effects of your nonsense when applied to liberal/leftist/socialist/communists and the market...

  3. Had a used car lot about twenty years ago. I remember when a Work Force Development employee told me I needed to file a report with them, The fee was 20 bucks or less but the fine for failing to file in a timely manner was over 200 dollars. I have a very jaundiced view of any government agency. Hard to run anything whose sole source of income is taxes.

  4. The only solution is restricting "the market place" medium to bartering and wampum in the form of anal beads.

  5. @ Paul B
    The sovietization of the United States; the комисса́ры are generally those who couldn't get their GED

  6. America hasn't had "free markets" for decades. The government has had it's grubby fat fingers deeply involved in everything for a very long time.

  7. All I heard as I read that article was "voters don't pay attention to economics anymore and just want to tell other people how to live their lives, so that's where we Republicans are going to focus our efforts now."

  8. We have fully been a national socialist government since FDR.


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