
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Commentary: The New York Times Has a History of Being Fake News

The New York Times is widely regarded as the newspaper of record in the United States. Founded in 1851 to appeal to a cultured, intellectual readership rather than a mass audience, the Gray Lady has won a record-breaking 137 Pulitzer Prizes, including for its reporting on the infamous Pentagon Papers.

In times of sharp political polarization, however, the reputation of the Times, like many other outlets, has suffered significant damage. Arguably, much of this is self-inflicted, with the paper increasingly setting aside its iconic moniker “All the News That’s Fit to Print” in pursuit of activist journalism.


  1. Pretty much everything to do with new yawk is fake

  2. Like getting a Pulitzer for a bogus story that all was well in Stalinist Russia. It has disowned the useful idiot wrote wrote it, but had yet to return the Pulitzer. Another factoid, it came out against erecting the Statue of Liberty.

  3. So many people think the media was more truthful in the past. Is it easier or harder to control information with three broadcast networks?

  4. There has been little truth in news reporting since the invention of the printing press. It, the printing press, was instantly recognized as a means of controlling information and manipulating public opinion. These last hundred years has turned information control and manipulating public opinion into an art form, although lately the message and messengers are falling on more and more deaf ears and minds. They've indulged themselves in too much of a bad thing trying to keep or gain more control and have thus outed their scheming tactics, IMHO.

    If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed.". ― Mark Twain

    "Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see."
    Edgar Allen Poe, 1845

    "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - CIA Director William Casey, 1981

    The kicker was when Bribem tried to install Nina Jankowicz as "Information Czar"
    Nothing like stepping on your dick with baseball cleats.


  5. "All The News That Fits, We Print."

  6. The Holodomor. Gareth Jones reporter firsthand witness to children starving resorted to eating their family members. The NYTs? As today when migrants are raping and killing Americans are having their cocktail club parties scoffing that regular people are just whiners. If the system collapses only people that are unwilling to forgive, should rule. Not people trying to prop up the system for their personal grifting and deals.


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