
Thursday, May 16, 2024

DEI Hits the VA: Biden's Veterans Affairs Department Offers Race-Based Training Programs That Exclude White Vets

President Joe Biden's Department of Veterans Affairs is offering race-based training programs and workshops that exclude white veterans—programs that one legal expert says are "of dubious constitutionality and legality."

The programs are taking place in at least four states, a Washington Free Beacon review of online offerings found.


  1. This VA "offering" is yet another college loan forgiveness ploy that will be ignored by the msm and the American public. It's more lethal stealth cultural cancer.

  2. Because the service I've always gotten from them has been way too good. How long until they're just recommending medical assistance in dying? Probably still have a 6 month wait.

  3. Many years ago the VA implemented "Diversity Training". The training consisted of role playing where they put someone from one socio-economic-ethnic group in a chair with a person from a different socio-economic-ethnic group facing each other knee to knee. The exercise told them to pretend they were from the socio-economic-ethnic group they were facing and discuss any problems. They started with the lowest level employees, and the training was abandoned within days when fist fights broke out. It sounds like things haven't improved.

  4. The cannibals ate the wrong Biden. regards, Alemaster

  5. Is there anything this bastard won't do to destroy America? FJB, Hybo

  6. used to work at the VA. there are 2 different types of people there. clock watchers and people who are or care for the vets. there is a lot less of the second type there.
    class and race is a big thing at the VA. or was at the philly one.
    blacks covered for each other all the time. if you white, well. you kind of one your own there.
    another thing I saw a lot of of was if one person got a job there, all of their family would try to get in as well. regardless of skill level.
    and the VA has a way of driving competent people away too. seen a lot of that as well.
    a lot of really good doctors and staff just left after hitting their heads against the stupid
    of the VA. so anything this stupid is just par for the course with the VA.
    after going there and working there. I now understand why my dad never went near the damn place. there are some good people there. really. it just trying to find one that is the hard part. dave in pa.

  7. I have 4 expeditionary service medals. One for Righteous Cause in Panama, Desert Storm, on a Southern Watch in Kuwait I was dent to Afghanistan for a month then extended for OIF 1. Add to that I was in Egypt doing a Brightstar training mission when 9-11 turned it into a real world logistics mission. All of this as Guard with 21 years service. I have full retirement rights except for VA services.

    1. You should be eligible for VA Healthcare (and other) benefits.


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