
Monday, May 27, 2024

Federal Scholarship Program Under Fire for Alleged Bias Against Conservatives

Lawmakers have threatened to revoke the appropriations for a federally-funded scholarship program that an audit found favors liberally leaning students over conservatives by a ratio of 10 to 1.

The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation was established in the 1970s to award scholarships to students who “demonstrate outstanding potential for and who plan to pursue a career in public service.”


  1. > plan to pursue a career in public service
    > favors liberally leaning students

    Found the problem.
    In my anecdotal case, the majority of my extended family are liberals.
    They *ALL* work for the government at various levels. Teachers, diplomats, welfare / social workers, healthcare (i.e. county healthcare nurses, a prison nurse, and a VA administrator) , politicians, etc...

    The few of us that are part of the "leave us the fuck alone" party are all self employed or work for small businesses that constantly get fucked over by the taxes required for the liberal side of the family to continue existing with substandard skills that no one would pay for if they had to get a real job.

    1. "Teachers, diplomats, social workers," etc.
      When someone asks you to list jobs requiring people with no ability of original thought.

  2. It's one side of a typical duplicitous political situation. Wanna bet this goes nowhere and the paying off of student loans with taxpayer money will continue unabated?

  3. GOP is mostly a pretend opposition and will do nothing except issue a strongly worded memo.

  4. It’s not “alleged” bias.

    Bobo the Hobo

  5. i would rather no student loans to anything but STEM. BUT public service nowadays just means marxism.

  6. The program does not have to be biased - it just has to accept applicants who want to work in "public service". Conservatives and libertarians understand that this is an oxymoron, so few apply.


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