
Monday, May 27, 2024

Good Morning



  1. Replies


  2. Bittersweet.

  3. Damn, Ken, that was tough to watch. God bless that family. No clearer meaning of Memorial Day could be found. Thanks for posting.

  4. Replies
    1. really REALLY dusty....with onions everywhere....and pollen.

  5. I watched this and thought that it was "nice" until they showed the back of the tombstone and I saw that he was a US Marine. God bless this young man and may he sit on the right hand of God for now and forever more.

  6. The good are taken too soon. This is the price we pay for our dedication to duty. Such a beautiful family ruined and for what? I’ll end my rant here.

    To all my brothers in arms that have fallen, you are not forgotten and you are missed dearly.

    Saber 7

  7. Really puts day to day issues/problems in perspective.

    Lets all work to not have more senseless wars and their high cost.

    While remembering the dead help vets alive who need a hand,feel the best way to honor the dead and feel they would agree.

  8. Not one more dead husband and father killed in a foreign war sent by filthy POS politicians who use patriots lives to line their filthy pockets. Come home brothers in arms and save us from the enemy within.
    FJB an ALL democraps.

  9. We raise our glass and toast our fallen brothers. They went and did what was asked of them without question. They laid down their lives to insure we are safe at home. Thank you for your valor.


  10. that was brutal- made me think of Smedley Butler

  11. That scene has been played too many times in our History, but it's an unfortunate necessity. Young men and women serve their Nation at the expense of their FAMILIES. How can we EVER repay them for their sacrifices? Those little ones will never have their Daddy hold their hands to cross a street or clap for them at a game or kiss them Goodnight. It's just heartbreaking. I'm old and very sentimental so this hits me hard - feeling helpless to help the FAMILIES who gave so much. God Bless ALL the FAMILIES of our Fallen and also those FAMILIES of current Service Members. Our Freedoms are precious and so are the lives of those who Serve and Wait!


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