
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Happy happy!!!



  1. I met a couple who were married 77 yrs when I met them. She 16, himself 18 when they married.
    Vibrant, filled with joy and laughter. That is what caught my attention; their laughter and behaving like kids on a first date. Well dressed and very polite.

    I just had to meet them. I introduced myself and applauded their attitudes. Neither shuffled in gait or slurred in speech. It was very obvious they were in love with each other.

    When I asked for their sage advice, they giggled. They looked at one another with smiles and frolic in their eyes. Then the man became somewhat serious. He fixed his gaze, looking me straight in the eyes. Love, he said.

    No matter what comes in life, or comes between you, always remember that you love this person.
    And have fun. Both beamed with smiles, fondly looking to each other. During the length of our meeting they held hands, not once breaking contact.

  2. Blessings to them.
    And bonus points for the fly swatter.

  3. I don't know if they still do anything like it, however in Canada Queen Elizabeth would send a personalized letter for those married for 75 years.

  4. Going on 46 years, hope we make 75. Rick well said, without a doubt that love does not go away is the ability to laugh after a spat, kiss often, hold hands and always say I Love You often.

  5. Good on them!!!

  6. Bet he stills bangs her.


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