
Monday, May 20, 2024

I'm shocked! Shocked, I say!

An alarming study has spotlighted how 42 million food stamp recipients spend their welfare handouts on ultra-processed junk food.

Coca-Cola, Sprite and other soft drinks are the most commonly-bought items via the $135 billion-a-year Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), a new study says.

Candy, potato chips, frozen pizza, ice cream, cookies, and other ultra-processed food dominates the top 20 items, says a report from the Economic Policy Innovation Center (EPIC).


  1. How many times I've seen a gang of them in a store. One gigantic broad with a shit load of kids. Two carts heaped up and not one nutritious meal to be found. They are so god damned lazy, they get free shit and won't even cook for their children.

    1. There is usually a man with her too, a nice husky healthy looking man, not a spouse and from looks, don't work either, just shopping with her so he can pick out his favorite foods

  2. A Hunnert and ThirtyFiiive BILLYUN dollars? How it's spent is not surprising. How much there Is of it is something I hadn't ever considered. And it's Considerable..

  3. I remember my grandparents getting food aid from the FDA. It was delivered to them each month, boxes of things like powdered milk, American cheese, juices, canned corned beef, etc. The change to food stamps was a mistake in my opinion. The farmers no longer had an outlet for their extra produce and dairy, etc.
    I got laid off about 10 years ago. My wife and I had to resort to food trucks, and yes we even were on food stamps, aka a debit card, for a number of months.
    When we shopped at the store, we used coupons and only bought things on sale, to extend our limited food budget. We did not spend on junk food or sodas. I heard rumors that some people would buy cases of cheap canned pop to dump and return for the can deposit, to buy beer and cigarettes.
    One thing that we did learn was that the poor people like ourselves were the ones who looked out for each other. At food trucks, the items that people did not like or would not use, they took anyway, and gave it to other people who were in need. There was a facebook page where people could post wants and needs. And the needs were always met, usually by other people who had needs themselves.

    1. They buy cases of coke (or soda) from the store with food stamps and sell it back to the store at half price for cash to buy cigarettes. I saw this a lot growing up in East Tennessee and Eastern Kentucky. Back then, a lot of the little country stores did a lot of cash business, so it was easier to resell the stuff without it being traceable. I’m sure there’s still some variant of this scam still going on.

  4. Had a leftist loon try to explain to me that having the EBT card "only" pay for nutritious foods was racist. He tried to equivocate white folks buying whatever they wanted, with their own money, to giving the 'po folks the same "rights" with how they used "their" EBT card.

    1. Let them gorge themselves on their junk/franken food. It will kill them quicker than Fauci's jab.

  5. The people doing this "study" didn't bother to even ask recipients how many were "tradimg" the card balance for cash/drugs/and what have you. (Seen that happen locally in grocery store parking lots.)

  6. I'm just Sure that a quick explanation of the difference between right and privilege would have straightened his thinking right on out.

  7. I was in the local Wally world the other day. Ahead of me was a fairly well dressed gentleman of what looked to be Indian or Pakistani descent. Nice watch, nice looking Eddie Bauer or North Face jacket.Something along those lines. He had 4 gallons and 3 or 4 half gallons of organic whole milk. The gallon retailed about 6.50 or a bit more, the half gallons just shy of 4. Along with a few other grocery items, he had gov issue debit card and a WIC to pay for it all.

  8. There was once a time when food stamps could only be used on certain grocery items - now they're good at fast food joints!  I also remember back in the late 80s, some Congressman proposed opening food stores that would cater only to food stamp recipients and those stores would only carry the essentials for nutrition.  It did not pass with the reason being it would take away the 'dignity' of recipients to have to shop in a special store.  Like who the hell feels dignified using welfare?????

  9. Prisons should be agricultural work farms*. Raising their own food and some for the indigent in the community. The hungry get fed wholesome food and prison adds a level of deterrence that isn't present today.
    *Any guards or other personnel found with any meats or veggies would join them in the fields the next day.

  10. This is 30 years back. I was with my roommate and we were picking up some items at the grocery store. The black woman in front of us had a full grocery cart. When she was told the dog food was not covered by her WIC card. She sent one of her ilk to gather 7 beef roasts while raising hell at the cashier. When my Jewish roommate balked at being held up at the register she went into a bitch session about being oppressed for 250 years. Jack let loose, stating he was Jewish and oppressed for over 2000 years and she needed to shut the F' up for another 1750 years.

  11. It's not all processed. They do put a bag of grapes in the cart

  12. Here is a crazy thought , how about making the fathers pay for the children they cause? if there is no insurance or no father present or named on the birth certificate then a paternity test is automatically done before any benefits are received by the mother. Then when the father is identified he can cough up the child support. I have not impregnated any ghetto skanks , so why should I pay for their spawn ? No More Free SHIT !

    1. If no father is named or present, what good would a paternity test do? All a paternity test does is confirm or deny that a named individual is the father.

    2. I am sure that eventually, the 'father' would show up in the criminal justice system, where many jurisdictions automatically take DNA samples of the arrested.

    3. And I am equally sure that any man who's DNA is taken because of a criminal charge won't be able to pay child support.

  13. The up-coming festivities will empty most of this gene pool.

  14. The headline and the actual list don't quite agree... Yes soda pop is #1 on the list but milk is #2, the list also includes ground meat and cold cereal. So not everyone is buying junk food...

  15. Strange that no one mentioned the digusting fat-assed black water buffalo's driving electric slob-sleds around grocery stores, running over people, and clogging up the register lines using their EBT cards.

  16. Given the use of bar codes and other technological advances over the last few decades, there is no technical reason to not be able to limit what the EBT card can be used for. I would even allow a little for toiletries, a cake occasionally for birthdays or other such things to avoid being cruel.
    It is not being done because the politicians and bureaucrats do not want to upset the natives.


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