
Thursday, May 16, 2024

"Let them eat bugs"



  1. No problem, just add some Tabasco sauce.

  2. I have a friend in Spokane who is susceptible to fads who was eating cricket powder for a while. She stopped because "it was too expensive". I find that hilarious...

  3. The digestive system won't have to work hard since they'll go out looking the same way they went in and they'll make the trip under their own power.

  4. I tried canned silkworms from a Korean bar-owner in Phenix City, wasn't terrible but not for me.

  5. Our cows used to get something like those on their backs. You could squeeze them out through the hole they made in the hide.
    I put one in a cup of straight pipeline acid once, It was still moving 3 days later.
    I Thank God we don't see that any more.
    On a side note, Jennifer was a fresh heifer I bought from a back yard farmer. She was cheap at $500, but she must have had 20 of those things on her back. Dad's response was "What did you buy that goat for?"
    She went on to be at least a 5th lactation great cow.

  6. I've eaten bugs on a few occasions, but to be honest, mostly when alcohol was involved. Mostly.

    1. Fried crickets in Mexico, no Tequila involved

  7. I'd only eat that if it were coated in soylent green powder and deep fried.

  8. I’ve had ants and grasshoppers in Oaxaca,Mx as snacks with a lot of Mezcal shots. They were not terrible yet the tacos and such were light years ahead. Would much rather eat delicious food and they were not delicious IMHO

  9. Fuck no. They could taste as good as my dog's ear wax and I still wouldn't eat them!


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