
Friday, May 24, 2024

Well, it makes 'em easier to spot

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- The use of fentanyl is going up and the medical community is trying to understand just what it does to the human body.

Things you may have witnessed are people so high, they just stand in the middle of the sidewalk bent over, appearing as if they were frozen in place.

The simple explanation:


  1. I really wish I could have more sympathy for them. I know it's crappy of me to think that they did it to themselves and could stop if they wanted to. I know addiction is a horrible thing, you can't quite call it a disease, although I do feel it's a plague. I do think that there should be more efforts to get them cleaned up and straightened out, there are some decent people that are buried deep down inside many of them, but the things it would be necessary to do to resolve the issue would be deemed unconstitutional and probably would make liberals cry. In order to fix it, you'd pretty much have to take away their freedoms, get them into a controlled environment, and work on both the addiction and the causes of it. Just getting them clean isn't enough to fix what's broken about them that led them down that path in the first place.

    Sorry for the wall of text, I just get tired of the "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas" bullshit that is done, or the enabling that so many blue cities do.

    1. The Taliban threw all the addicts into prisons and made them quit cold-turkey.
      While I’m sure it would be awful for all the addicts…I would really enjoy being able to walk down the streets without being hassled by them. And then…get rid of the 13% too.

    2. I wouldn't go quite the Taliban/Prison route, I'd rather do it more like a decent asylum where they're treated. It costs the same amount of money either way, assuming you can cut out the grifters, and I'd like them to emerge as functional human beings rather than still being broken. I don't think a Taliban style prison would accomplish that.

    3. Fck 'em.
      I'd put them in long warehouses, chained to the floor and as they're going cold turkey, have every 5th grade class in the US marched through so they can get an accurate picture of what happens when you make that first stupid decision.

  2. wire cutter, thats is not fentanyl, it is trank causing them to stoop over. look it up it is a vet med used on horses.

    1. You do realize I didn't write the article, right?

  3. Tranq-

  4. The last time I was in San Francisco (Feb 2020,) I saw a man propped up against s mail dropbox, barely conscious. Obviously high on fentanyl. There was a woman walking with her kids (age 5 or 6 or so) nearby. The man’s pants fell down to his ankles (he was not wearing underwear) and it took him a good 30 seconds to realize this, and another minute to sort-of pull his pants up then amble off, Walking Dead style.

  5. Addiction to anything is really bad. Back in the day, Ronnie's wife Nancy started the "just say no" campaign and she was ridiculed. Well, here we are.

    These people do need help, but they need to first help themselves.

    1. Nancy Rayguns D.A.R.E. program strived to turn American children into an army of snitches, informing on parents or other adults, simply because dad has a Gibson every night when he gets home from work. And of course, after Nancy came Poppy Bush and the Mena, AR connection with Billary. Barry Seal had all the intel, but he assumed room temperature, courtesy of the Deep State. Life is a vale of tears.

    2. And what do we do when they do not want to help themselves? At what point is their danger to themselves (even if long term) and the disruption or anti-social behavior warrants curtailing that option? Never? Let them rot in place, is that "living" or more "humane" than being the tough parental figure?

  6. It not just's fentanyl too. I ran EMS in King County WA for 15 years. It's just like Iggy Pop said "dance like hypnotized chickens". Whatever person used to be in there is long gone by the time they behave like that ... Just a drug with arms and legs. By the way ... every overdosed junkie costs the taxpayers 60,000 per trip to harborview.

  7. The Ten Percent for The Big Guy -guy should not only get the Ten Percent of the cash, he should be required to use Ten Percent of the fentanyl.
    OK, let's be fair, half-and-half for The Big Guy and for his son.

  8. Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia is an open drug market for fentanyl users, the worst I have seen with plenty of videos on you tube to back it up. I can't imagine living my life like that.

  9. At 18 seconds into the video, the anchorette refers to an outfit called "Building A Better Bay"... at which I almost spewed hot coffee through my nose. Honey, it's going to take more resources and hard decisions than California has to make a better bay area.

  10. I think it was Michael Berry I heard report that in 1965 there were something like 6 million plus people in mental institutions in this country. The number a couple years back was somewhat less than 50 thousand. It seems simple to figure out where they are now. I just celebrated 19 years sobriety from alcohol and more importantly I guess, amphetamines. Nothing can replace the desire needed nor the willingness to ask for help. It’s sad to see what these liberal run cities have done to these people. How can you ever decide that allowing these things to happen out in public can end in any other way. Stupid is as stupid does. ET in AL

  11. Re: Barry Seals: Most likely he was shot by Arkansas State Police in Baton Rouge LA.
    Found in his car, stopped on a major street, car switched off, keys in ignition, drivers window down, wallet open in his lap, shot three times in the chest.
    At least one Arkansas State Trooper was in Baton Rouge in his marked car, for "training".
    Seals was to testify the next day. His murder was blamed on drug gang members, who were never found.
    John in Indy


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