
Friday, June 07, 2024

A man can take only so much

A Wisconsin husband shot and killed his wife with a single bullet to her head as she sat in her car outside a beauty salon in downtown Milwaukee on her 60th birthday because he “got tired” of being yelled at, authorities said.


  1. "Tired of being yelled at". I wonder if that'll be a winning defense at his trial. If I was a juror, I'd give it consideration

    1. Univ of Saigon 68June 7, 2024 at 9:58 AM

      A variant of the Texas Defense (Needed Killin').

  2. Daughter says, "My life will never be the same." Flash bulletin lil girl, neither will your mothers.

    1. Yep, watching shows like "love it, or list it" and the women are often very entitled and controlling of men. It's a real putoff to marriage and I would rather raise a kangaroo while my species goes extinct.


  3. “That’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more!” Popeye the sailor man

  4. Bitches better recognize!!! I dunno, a beer or video game sounds like a good remedy to ignore her with.

    1. I'd bet when he was sipping a beer or playing a video game she'd still yell at him.

  5. find 12 married male jurors between 50 and 60 years old and he walks free

  6. no matter what a divorce would have cost, it would probably be better than what he's going to experience now.

  7. First-degree reckless homicide. Guess thats more worser than just plain old first degree murder. Guess that also means you can get executed twice after thirty years of incarceration.

    1. It is for the ease of the Prosecutor.
      There is FAR less that needs to be proven in reckless homicide than there is in premeditated / 1st degree murder.
      1st degree murder has to prove a prior decision / intent to murder, and other factors depending on that States' laws.
      Reckless homicide needs only a body and a reckless act. No intent to kill is required.
      John in Indy

  8. As someone who had been married twice, for 11 years and this time going on 32 years, a man needs to know upfront that if he can't take being yelled at once in awhile then he should not get married. I am not sure but it might be in the Bible that you will be yelled at, especially once a month for no reason whatsoever.

    1. And once they get past that once-a-month stuff, other issues come up that last longer than a few days

  9. Wife, who works full time, once asked me to drop her wallet off to her at the hairdresser (she'd forgotten it). I didn't have time to go home after work so went straight to the hairdresser to pay the bill. When I asked how much the whole salon went silent, the women were still. It was like time itself paused. The nervousness of staff and womenkind was palpable as a husband was going to find out what a hairdo really costs. It was $346 I recall and even I twitched. My wife sqeaked out, "I'll pay you back". I confirmed that indeed she would and walked out. It was fun to instantly shut down the twittering of a bunch of women. I no longer acknowledge her hair do's which annoys her.

  10. A woman who kills her husband, claiming that he bullied her, would be an object of pity and would get a light slap on the wrist. A man, on the other hand, who kills his wife for much the same reason, is a villain and a cad and will spend the rest of his days in jail.

  11. Cue Guns N’ Roses…

  12. Tits and tires boys..... tits and tires

  13. At least now, he’ll get some peace and quiet!


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