
Friday, June 07, 2024

Be gone with your freaky self

A Boonsboro High School student was not allowed to participate at her graduation ceremony Tuesday night because of concerns surrounding her makeup, leaving the 18-year-old and her family "heartbroken" on the big day.

Nixx Cabrera-Guy is an aspiring piercer and tattoo artist and is the first person on her father's side of the family to receive her high school diploma. She said she was told by the Boonsboro High principal, Michael Kuhaneck, that she had to remove her makeup or she could not sit with her fellow students or walk on stage during the ceremony.


  1. In nature brightly colored animals signal “STAY AWAY”. The Dendrobates frogs come to mind. Hope she learned a life lesson here, but prolly not.

  2. Just be normal for one day. Would you wear that to a job interview?

    1. Yes she would, then she will complain that the white male patriarchy is keeping her down.

  3. And to think you had to pay to see this shit at the circus.

  4. She would wear it to an interview and then make a YouTube wondering why she wasn’t hired. Been there and seen it. 🤪

  5. I liked this part of the story best

    " an aspiring piercer and tattoo artist and is the first person on her father's side of the family to receive her high school diploma."

    1. I intend to be the first person in my family to go beyond a bachelor's degree(chemistry), everyone is at a different milestone. I may also be the first in my family to return to the Czech Republic 🇨🇿.

      My first passion is art, but I was born in an era when art is seen as a worthless and impractical waste of resources. Born into a world gripped by the cult of consumerism, and when a person's worth is nothing more than the sum of their paycheck, job title, and tax revenue, thus I must supplement if I am to create.


    2. arc: successful artists must suffer. It's in the artist rule book. If you're any good, your friends and relatives will make a killing selling your works after you're dead.

  6. "Nixx Cabrera-Guy is an aspiring piercer and tattoo artist"
    Such aspirations...

    1. Excuse me while I break my Wacom tablet, and burn my stories and creations. I didn't realise aspiring to be an artist was offensive, and I suppose ill go accept a drab world devoid of heros and villians, completely lacking stories of high fantasies and scifi.

      Her occultist appearance sucks, but art is a fairly bold aspiration given how little money is to be made these days without popularity or political connections. I'm chasing a stem degree to fund my art studio because society places so little value on creativity. Ideally, I will ride my home business to passive revenue which will allow me to create art without the risk of dying of starvation in "the land of opportunity. ".


  7. Sigh. Deliver me, O Lord, from such White Trash!

  8. divided, if that is how she was every day, then kinda see her side.

  9. Don't mess with the she-beast. I see a lawsuit in the near future. Freedom of expression and all that goes along with it.

  10. People are starting to say no to this stuff? Slap me upside my haid!

  11. Yeah, I'm standing with the principal on this one. NO one wants to see your ugly-ass freaky shit on one of the biggest days of their lives. Methinks you should go live your best life somewhere else, assclown.

    1. If, and we only have the kids word for it, she was allowed to attend school and other activities all year, then she shouldn't have been given the ultimatum at the graduation ceremony. On the other hand if she'd been told before hand and defied them, its on her. Whether wearing clown face is appropriate is another conversation.

  12. Gorlock the Destroyer has some competition here. Her parents did her no favors.Life is going to be hard on her.

  13. She achieved her individuality: as the only one left out . . .

  14. Back in the day, nobody would have made it past the front door of my HS with that bullshit.

    1. In the 60's for me, it was cap & gown and that little tassel - nothing else. Looking at current graduation pictures, it needs to get back to the basics. Its not about being black, part of a nation or gang. Cap and gown or we'll mail your diploma to you. Which I recall my University degree came in the mail anyway.

  15. where 'individuality' meets ' just play along for one fuckin day then you can do whatever you want for the rest of your life'

    shame she's not pursuing higher ed, there's gotta be a few places that would gladly have her

  16. Perhaps she and her family should return to Guatemala.

  17. Boonsboro, Maryland High School has a track record of graduation denial going back to 2017

    A pregnant teen in a class by herself

    Maddie Runkles wasn't allowed to walk at graduation because she was pregnant.

    Must be something in the water.

  18. I'm with Vitaeus on this one, if she is being honest, then the school admins should have been aware and had a talk with her. Sadly, not honoring traditions is the norm these days.
    I could also see the issue with "white face" setting a precident for other "faces".
    Sux she couldn't walk, but I have feeling she would be with the pro-Hamas protesters if given an opportunity and she would not care one bit about those students having their graduations cancelled.
    At least she has obtained peak assimillation into the modern American life, she doesn't seem to be living with more standard Guatemalan culture!

  19. There is attention whoring, and then there is over the top.

  20. I'm torn.

    If school officials let her attend class wearing the circus makeup, piercings, etc., without consequences then she should have been allowed to participate in the graduation.

    The other side of the coin is that in life we have to conform to other people's standards to get what we want. No matter how much it galls us. Otherwise, we may just have to do without. My take on the story was she was given an option. She refused to remove the makeup and left of her own accord.

  21. She probably does meth with her parents sippin 40s and talkin how they are gonna move from the trailer park someday.

  22. In 1983, I was the first man in my family to graduate high school. In 1992, I was the first in my family to be honorably discharged from the military. In 199, I became the first man in my family to get a college degree. Do you know what all that means? Not shit, really.
    Nice little milestones for me & my immediate family, and fuck-all to everybody else.
    --Tennessee Budd

  23. Did ya see her nails? How does she wipe her ass?

  24. So they don't have high schools in Guatemala? What do her parents do for a living here that they couldn't in Guatemala? Anybody ask the other parents or graduates their view? She got to be heard and unfortunately seen. I'd think people who pay taxes that fund the school and have children there should have a say. And it was stated the school did send out an email, so yeah, she and her parents were notified. Who is the skid that authorized posting that picture without a warning label? Bah! I forgot everyone's allowed an opinion except the majority...S'mattah with me! Sorry.


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