
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

California Democrats agree to delay health care worker minimum wage increase to help balance budget

Democrats in California have agreed to delay a minimum wage increase for about 426,000 health care workers to help balance the state’s budget. 

Health care workers would see their pay increase on Oct. 15 if state revenue between July and September is at least 3% higher than what state officials have estimated. If that doesn’t happen, the minimum wage increase will not start until January.


  1. California Democrats withholding the increases for healthcare workers to help stop state bankruptcy is like putting a band aid on a broken arm.

  2. So what Newsance is saying is that it pays more to be a burger flipper than an EMT...

    1. What if they combine the two?
      "Would you like fries with your colonoscopy?"

  3. So, health care workers are less important than fast food workers who got a raise?

  4. I don't suppose a reduction in social service benefits for 500K or so illegals to defray costs ever crossed Sacramento's mind.
    - WDS

  5. Bahahahaha, fuck the productive people got to keep paying those welfare and other bennies to the non-productive people.

    1. Taxes are the privilege you pay for productivity, welfare is the benefit they receive for not being productive
      - WDS

  6. "Balance the budget"? Califruitopia hasn't had a balanced budget since Regan was Governor thanks to their Demonrat dominated legislature. That state is almost as far in debt as the country is. OK that's an exaggeration. It's currently $600B+ and climbing with no end in sight, same as the national debt.



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