
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Commentary: The Middle Class Is Collateral Damage in Biden’s War on Wealth

The Biden administration’s hackneyed talking point of “the rich paying their fair share” sounds appealing at first. Who could be against fairness? 

But there is nothing fair about a political agenda that punishes the middle class and lowers everyone’s standard of living — rich and poor alike.


  1. Not collateral damage. The middle class is the actual target.

  2. It's not collateral damage. It's deliberate destruction.

  3. Even the Tennessee Star is showing mixed race couples these days, things are changing.

    1. I'm of mixed race myself: strong Celtic blood mixed with a bastard's bit of Saxon.

  4. Biden's economic target for destruction isn't the rich (except maybe the Conservative rich). It's the middle class. They're the biggest threat to him. Look who’s being fucked by inflation and see where all the so called "new" full time jobs are going. They’re mostly going to illegal aliens not Joe the plumber folks. Once he's destroyed the middle class by driving them into the poor category the Democrats will rule their self-created nirvana with the backing of 80% of the very rich Democrat backers while the once “a chicken in every pot and 2 vehicles (RAM P.U. truck for daddy & Tacoma SUV for mommy) in every garage” of their suburban 3-bed, 2-bath house now ensconced in low incoming apartments with a 15 year old Kia beater in the parking lot.

  5. With regard to taxes there are three classes: producers, consumers, and the exempt. The exempts' tax burden is paid by the producers and consumers. The producers' tax burden is paid by their consumers.

    In other words, the consumers pay the entire tax burden.

  6. The rich already pay the vast majority of taxes, even according to the IRS.
    In 2022:
    - The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
    - The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.8 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.2 percent).

  7. As Rush Limbaugh once said, "The Democrats will never tell you what the fair share amount is so they don't get pinned down with it."
    - WDS

  8. We're going through a similar thing in Canada. The government bumped the capital gains tax so people are getting reamed if they sell something worth more than $250,000. "This will only affect the richest few." Meanwhile anybody who's sunk their soul into a small business or medical practice with the dream of one day being able to retire when he or she sells it will get totally reamed.


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