
Friday, June 07, 2024

Commentary: Republicans Vow to Scorch the Earth After Trump Conviction

Spurred by the volcanic temper of their base, Republicans are now preparing to scorch the earth in the wake of former President Donald Trump’s conviction, potentially setting off a chain reaction that could fundamentally alter the American political system entirely. 

No one knows exactly how far they will go in their response.


Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm not holding my breath. It'll be business as usual.


  1. Sounds like a solid plan that'll probably be endorsed by Mike Pence, Lindsey Graham and Mitt Romney.

    1. And Mitch, Lankford, Cotton, Cornyn, etc, etc, etc.

    2. Watch out...

      ...for a 'sternly worded letter'!

  2. The R's in CONgress aren't going to do jack shit, except sit around and bitch about how bad the Demonrats are while giving them EVERYTHING that's on their agenda while screwing Trump and his agenda, just like last time, same as ever.

    Johnson, the new speaker, has promised small one page spending bills, yet hasn't delivered one yet.

    I read a story this AM that indicates he and his cronies in the Demonrat party are preparing another YUGE Omnibus bill with all kinds of blocks for Trump's agenda to be presented to him soon after he takes office, assuming he wins, which he'll have to sign, otherwise he'll be blamed for a .gov shutdown.

    ...enemies foreign and domestic.


    1. All these assholes are only beholding to the Deep State club where everyone's dues are covered by lobbyists. BTW, Voting is way over rated and only reinforces the parasite’s blood-sucking.

  3. This isn't a call to Scorch the Earth, this is a call for Republicans to actually do what they should have been doing all along. Like that's actually going to happen.

    The number of Republicans that will stick their necks out to defend the injustice done to DJT are so few and far between that I could probably count them on one hand.

  4. YEAH. you are right about this bullshit. and if anyone does try to press it, they will pay him off
    like they always do. seems like it more of where is my cut than justice anyway.
    U need to stop reading the so called "news" anymore. it not good for my blood pressure.

  5. Not holding my breath.

  6. I saw an article earlier that stated FBI agents are scared Trump will jail them and many are thinking of leaving the country. Riiiight, just like all those Hollywood celebs that swore they'd leave if Trump, or back in the day, Bush was elected. Bonus: Sean Vannity told Trump to "go easy" on the DOJ if he's re-elected.

    I agree with Wirecutter on this, the Republicucks ain't gonna do anything.
    - WDS

  7. " Scorch the Earth"??
    You do and the Kool Kids won't invite you to their parties.
    Election-year showboating.

  8. republican scorched earth = writing more letters. Serious letters.

  9. Promises, promises

  10. OK boys and girls repeat after me "Nothing is going to happen."

  11. Sternly worded letters again, but more stern this time.

    1. Now they will be on double secret probation!

  12. So we should expect another sternly worded letter to someone from the Republicans?


  13. the 2 parties are just opposite sides of the same coin. Trump had the house and senate for then first 2 years and still couldn't get anything done.

    1. The Republicans held the House and Senate. Trump didn't. Fuck John McCain (a male Jane Fonda)

  14. I expect the Rethuglicans to quit laying on the floor and present themselves to the marxists on their hands and knees. Pants down, of course.

  15. They should have been scorching the earth, overturning everything the commies have ever passed for decades. The whole point of them getting elected has always been to throw rocks in the gears of the enemy,...and they have REFUSED. And that failure is what brings us closer to bullets flying. I'd like to believe they'll now finally get their shit together, but I don't. I continue to stockpile ammo and munitions.

  16. They'll do nothing as usual

  17. Call it what you want. Scortched earth. Retribution. Payback. Whatever, but something needs to be done or we are truly fucked as a constitutional republic.

  18. Lighting one’s own farts doesn’t really constitute scorching the earth.


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