
Thursday, June 06, 2024

Commentary: Vaccine Mandates Likely Exacerbated Healthcare Worker Shortage, New Research Shows

In his book Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt makes a famous distinction between good and bad economists:

The bad economist sees only what immediately strikes the eye; the good economist also looks beyond. The bad economist sees only the direct consequences of a proposed course; the good economist looks also at the longer and indirect consequences. The bad economist sees only what the effect of a given policy has been or will be on one particular group; the good economist inquires also what the effect of the policy will be on all groups.


  1. My daughter had 9 years experience as an ER Nurse when covid hit. She refused (smart girl!) to get clot shot. Looking like she would eventually be FIRED, she got into the education side of nursing, which interested her anyway.
    She is now a college professor, making MORE money, and on steady day shift, with ALL holidays off.

  2. In Saskatchewan during the plandemic, the Government "reassigned" between a quarter and a third of the healthcare workers to "COVID Tracking" and thus intentionally caused staffing shortages. This led to entire sections of the hospitals being shut down and staff being overworked. To top it off, Doctors, Surgeons and other Specialists were informed by the Government if they publicly opposed ANY of the Government Directives, they would permanently lose their license to practice. This led to, among other tragedies, delayed surgery for myself, resulting in almost sixteen months of lost time - worse, my cousin never received timely cancer surgery (delayed over eighteen months!) and she passed away.
    If every politician and THEIR families all died of cancer, it would be a good start.

    1. Sorry to hear about your cousin and I totally get where you are coming from. I had a colonoschopy scheduled, took the required test on a Sat for Mon appointment and got a call Mon AM (almost through the prep at this point) informing me I had tested + and we would have to delay the procedure.
      I got into it with them over a week or two and eventually talked to the nurse in charge of scheduling, told her I wanted to wait until I tested neg. She advised me I now had a several month (6?) period where I would be test exempt as I would most likely test + for that long. WTF?
      I asked how are the sports people testing in the AM and then if PM is OK, they play?
      Fucking revealed to me how idiotic and corrupt the system was.
      They did not care that the odds were higher for colon cancer than the plague in any manner. They were all lucky nothing was found when they finally got me in for the procedure.

      Oh and yah what a bunch of rocket scientist working on this study!

  3. "Likely caused"? Holy shit, you gotta have an advanced degree to be this stupid. And in other news, water is wet, and the sky is light during the day.I detest the ivory tower pseudo intellectuals who value the lives of human beings only so far as that they provide GDP for these fucking grifters to leech off of.

    It's the exact same arrogant, narcissistic selfishness that causes these "20 pound brain" motherfuckers to decide to fuck around with viruses to begin with. Don't be fooled, Fauchi and the rest of them don't give a damn about the consequences or producing something of value. They likely can't. This is idol hands turned up to 11. They are curious, and that's all that matters.

    Who is John Galt?

    1. If I remember correctly he was a fictional character in an Ayn Rand book Atlas Shrugged. He was a smart entrepreneur but the government kept inter interfering with him in order to confiscate his ideas and money. There's a couple movies out there about him.

      I couldn't agree with your comments more.

  4. The bad economist gets hired into government service and makes policy affecting us all.

  5. In case everyone forgot, if you were in Congress or the Senate, staffers did not have to get the jab. I emailed my congressman and asked to become a "staffer". Didn't want any pay, just be on the staff. In fact, I said he should hire all his constituents to his staff to protect them. never happened... but we all know about coming across the border without the jab was OK also...


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