
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Commentary: The West Is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism

What are the mobs in Washington defiling iconic federal statues with impunity and pelting policemen really protesting?

What are the students at Stanford University vandalizing the president’s office really demonstrating against?

What are the throngs in London brazenly swarming parks and rampaging in the streets really angry about?


  1. Islam is showing itself to the west. It is time we wake up, move them out, or show the Christian ways that were shown back in the middle ages to stop the push to take over.

    1. The descendants of those who opened the gates of Toledo have pushed Islamic invasion of Western lands for decades now.
      If nothing is done about them, this cycle will continue

  2. And to top it off the state dept blinken has an interview with al-jazerah news.

    1. The state dept is a bigger enemy to the American people than Biden is

  3. A huge number of Americans have heard little about the feral Mooslimes thanks to the MSM keeping it on the back burner. Wasn't everyone shocked at the 9/11/2001 attack? Yea everyone but the CIA, FBI, Deep State and I venture to say even Dubya. They knew it was coming and they know another even bigger one is on the horizon. In the meantime the bread & circus distraction will be effective.

    1. I'm sure there's another, bigger, better and shinier, on the horizon. The question is will it happen on Biden's watch, where it will be unopposed and unpunished, or on Trump's, where he will catch all the blame for 4 years of Biden foreign policy?

    2. rickn8or,
      it depends on the Nov 5th elections. if the Dem's can't pull off another steal on this next one ( people have wised up to that crap) you can expect total mayhem until Jan. from the Dems.---false flags everyday, martial law, the end of cash transactions etc.. that's the point of the boarder invasions. i almost feel sorry for the migrants when they invade the deep south, it won't end well for them. BFI will be busy emptying dumpsters.
      count on it. we don't play that game here, be ready. and best of luck to ya.

  4. The ones that are really out to lunch are the gays for Palestine. Apparently they aren't aware that palestinians and muslims in general like no better entertainment than to give gays flying lessons off of tall buildings.

    Their second most popular form of prime time entertainment is teaching gays the real biblical meaning of stoning. Most people think of stoning as using smallish river or beach stones, when in reality they use 5 to 20 pound rocks aimed at the subject's head, while the subject is standing in a narrow, waist deep pit with their hands tied behind them.


    1. Usually that pit is filled in; they're pretty much buried before the fun begins

    2. i have no problem with that

    3. islam has been at war with civilization for 1400 years. It is a death cult not a religion.

      I can call myself Mary Queen of Scots but that doesn't mean it's true.
      Likewise Islam calls itself a religion but it's not.

      None of the real religions on our planet force you to join or pay a jizya tax to stay alive.

      None of the religions on our planet have the stated goal of converting or killing all people who are not in their group. islam does.


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