
Monday, June 03, 2024

Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids

Bombshell testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals he made up the six foot social distancing rule and other measures to 'protect' Americans from covid.

Republicans put out the full transcript of their sit down interview with Fauci from January just days before his highly-anticipated public testimony on Monday. 

They plan to grill him about covid restrictions he put in place, that he admitted didn't do much to 'slow the spread' of the virus. 


  1. So, when do we file the Class-Action suit with 300 million plaintiffs? Filing for: Loss of Income, harassment, wrongful death, loss of domicile, defamation, etc, etc...

  2. Shit, the 6 foot rule was the only thing I liked about the "Covid years." Then I wasn't being antisocial, I was being concerned about other people. HA! Like that's going to happen!

  3. shoot him......twice

    1. the back of the head. And declare it a suicide. Hey, it's been done before.

    2. Cut his vocal cords and run the same experiment he did with the dogs.

  4. People lied. Millions died. People got rich. Nobody went to jail. Not Fauci, nor Birx or Pelosi, not Mitch.

  5. Not something you hear about in the US news.

  6. He did not just make up the distancing. The entire purpose of the scamdemic was to give the democrats a win in the election. That meant scaring people from standing in line to vote. Also known as forcing mail-in voting where fraud is a no-brainer. It also meant that election observers could not stand close enough to observe. His handlers had him say that. Who are his handlers? We will never know. The media, doj, fbi, nsa, judges and juries are on his side in DC. Johnson and china mitch are on fauci's side. No help from gop either. Note that the corona virus collects on cells that are not in the lungs. The FDA and CDC are just as guilty as Fauci and are currently planning the next scamdemic for the election. Look up Dr. Brian Ardis.

    1. It was a school paper (middle school if I remember correctly) of the daughter of a pair of Ph.Ds that worked at Los Alamos that recommended the 6-foot distance.

      A fucking teenager was the expert on this one....

  7. Nothing will happen. Ron Paul and other Republicans will put on a great show, but in a few months it'll be buried along with all the other "nothing to see here folks" shit.

  8. What a piece of ...
    And in Germany our secretary of health Mr Lauterbach, who worshipped Fauci as a god, pronounced everything like Fauci not to be questioned.
    I want them to burn in Hell. All of them.
    Alex Lund

  9. Didn't the esteemed Dr. Fauci tell us that social distancing, wearing masks and closing schools was just "following the science"? And now he admits he made it all up? I'm shocked. Shocked, I say.

    And in other breaking Pfizer and Moderna news, it's been revealed that unvaxxed people who receive blood in emergency rooms that has been donated by vaxxed people are later developing blood clots. Imagine that.

    Stay away from hospitals like your life depends on it. Because it does.

  10. Sue them….
    Take their assets….
    Void their patents…..
    Void their retirements…..
    Make it hurt.

  11. Watch MTG tear into him on u tube. Too bad he won't fry.

  12. Elmo your so right

  13. I'm quite sure that the Republicans will write a few VERY harshly worded letters. Yawn. Wake me up when the trials start.

  14. (In my dreams) 6 foot is the closest any of us will get to Fauci after we hang and bury that murdering bastard.

  15. Greatest serial killer since Pol Pot. There MUST be consequences for that monster.

  16. I waana know WHO in the NIH got that 700+ million(actually more like a billion if you go back to 2009) that was paid by the various pharm companies to the NIH over the years.


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