
Monday, June 03, 2024

You know it's Monday when..... gifdump













  1. #10 Joe Biden's Administration

  2. 7: 'Double parking'
    10: Must have been an EV.

  3. #4: Horses is asshoe.
    #6: Dawg. It's what's for dinner.
    #7: Double parking.
    #8: Springtime surprise.

  4. #7 Parallel parking is a bi!tch. #10 EV fire truck?

    1. That was my very first thought at this one.

  5. 4} My uncle had a horse like that. If you tried to ride it it'd sideswipe trees.

    1. we might be cousins, my uncle also had an old horse for us kids to ride, he wouldn't allow us to ride his quarter horses. In retrospect, I feel sorry for that old horse with little shithead kids trying to gallop him in the summer Mississippi heat. He would peel you off with a branch or, my favorite, he made a quick turn into the barn and peeled both my cousin and I off. both of our heads hit the door lintel.

  6. #1 I can do this. I have seen it many times on youtube. Well... maybe not.
    #4 We had a horse that would go for the low branches. And suck in air when the saddle was put on so it would be loose afterwards.

    1. I remember a palomino in my youth that scraped me off on an entry gate post. I also learned real fast never to trail ride in shorts or follow to close to a horse that farts.

  7. #7: Kudos to the clever person who thought of this: "was it them Yogi? I's always them Boo Boo."

  8. #10 - Well, after all, it is a fire truck.

  9. Lord of the FleasJune 3, 2024 at 2:07 PM

    #8 - In a lot of towns in Canada and northern US, service clubs and the like will hold a fund-raising raffle by parking a beater in the middle of a local pond after freeze-up, with a prize going to the one who comes closest to guessing the date and time it falls through the ice come spring (hauling the beater out after the ice is totally gone and repeating the process next year). No arguing about the timing on that one.

    1. Gee Wally, what starts with F and ends in UCK?
      No it doesn't Beave! What starts with W and ends in HAT!

  10. Nothing like going along minding your own business or someone else's business when suddenly you scream oh shit what just happened

  11. #4 That’s why god invented glue factories.

  12. #4 I had an Appaloosa that would do that crap. In a rodeo ring he handled flawlessly. Riding on a dirt road he had to be kept in the center of the road. In an open field no problems. If he got within 6 feet of a tree he would brush it. More than once I wanted to shoot that evil beast.

    1. We had an Apaloser that really fucked me up. They say a horse can't buck goin' uphill. This bastard could, running uphill he bucked once to get me loose then once more over his head i landed on my back! Bu,sted T1, T2, T3, 3 ribs on the left and 1 on the right, at the spine, plus right collar bone. Renamed him ALPO...

  13. #4 - My Dad grew up in the country and rode a horse to school on occasion. He told me about one that would occasionally buck him off about halfway there and go back to the barn. He'd have to walk the rest of the way, and then back home. One of his uncles found out about it and said he'd take care of the problem. The next morning, the uncle showed up with a small fence post in his hand. He got on the horse and headed to the school. About half way, the horse started to buck and the uncle hit him between the ears with the fence post. The horse dropped to his knees, got back up, and continued on to the school. He never tried to buck again.

  14. Number 6 reminds me of the time a house close to me had a new drive done and then parked the car over the pavement in front of it blocking tthe pavement and making everyone go around it. I went around just not on the same side as the rest, my boots needed a extra clean that night.


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