
Friday, June 14, 2024

Good Morning



  1. Natural swimmers all are precious babies

  2. I used to hunt ducks with a guy that had a black lab and a golden lab. I only visited on hunt days, so the dogs knew what was coming. They were always excited to see me. One year, when Maxine was getting older, I brought a wool blanket and invited her into the cab of my truck on the way home. He asked. I said she was older and deserved to ride in the warm truck with us. He told me that I gained appreciably in his estimation that day and he had a markedly more pleasant demeanor with me following that encounter.

    1. had a brother in law like that. but he had a crew cab pickup and the back seat was JUST for his dogs. his dogs also had wet suits to keep them warm. first time I ever saw anything like that. and that was back in 1982-3.
      he had made some sort of platform instead of the bench seat for them.
      and he always had blankets and towels for them after hunting. hell, one time I think he gave them warm soup after a cold day hunting.
      the part I remember most was after the hunt and he went for beers and then put the first duck to the rubber finger wheel and the garage was filled with feathers !
      unreal. had top cover my beer as they where floating everywhere in there.
      no matter what. he was very good to his dogs. dave in pa.

  3. I love it when dogs take their human for a swim. I had a dog that would come and get me when she wanted to go for a swim. She could and did swim alone but sometimes she wanted me there too. Great dog she was.

  4. We don't desrve dogs!

  5. Are the pups"Doggie Paddling"?!

  6. They are all so patient and mostly wait their turn

  7. I don't trust anyone who doesn't love dogs. And this guy obviously is a very great dog owner. I note that mama was there watching closely.

  8. Dog is GOD spelled backwards.



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