
Friday, June 07, 2024

Hillary Clinton blasted over 'sick and disgusting' D-Day anniversary post

A social media post made by Hillary Clinton to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day has been branded as 'sick and disgusting'. 

The Democrat, who ran against Donald Trump for the presidency in 2016, compared the fight against Nazi Germany to voting against Trump in November.

The former Secretary of State said in her post: ‘Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy.


  1. The ugly, fat, nasty, fetid cunt has absolutely no class and never has. She a bitter, sociopath looking to be adored and admired. About the only positive thing she's done was invent "Deplorables" which we all wear now like a badge of honor.

    1. Please, do not say c*nt when referring to Hillary. She lacks the warmth and depth necessary to fit that definition.

  2. I would expect nothing less from a socialist pig. Just like I was not in shock when the dumb ass biden started talking about Ukraine. Proof neither have a care or a clue.

  3. It's a "republic" Hils, not a "democracy".
    You'd think even a skeezy lawyer would know that.

  4. One problem that most Democrats forget is that the Nazis were socialist.

    1. And the Nazi's also got rid of 'unwanted deplorables'.

    2. Yes, they got rid of those deplorable pedophiles, pornographers, pimps, trannies, communists…luckily America defeated them and now the pedophiles, pornographers, pimps, trannies, and communists have a safe home in America and Europe.

  5. HRC - the R stands for Rotten and we all know what the C is...

  6. So now it seems like we have two graves to piss on. Hanoi Jane and Hated Hillary. I will drink as much as possible before I get a chance to visit either grave. Now the wait begins.

    1. While you're waiting, do some planning/preparation.
      -- Have yourself a "Go" kit made up-- folding chair, sunscreen, umbrella, drinks, a book or three to read, etc.
      -- Be prepared to wait in line for a while; some of us have been waiting for this for years.

  7. If anyone knows anything about "sick & disgusting", it's Madam Cankles.

  8. Fuck that stinky cunt

  9. She hopes she'll replace FJB on the ballot

    1. Over Gavin and Mike Obama's dead bodies...
      (Which isn't a bad deal when you think about it.)

  10. WestcoastDeplorableJune 7, 2024 at 7:22 PM

    Have you ever noticed when Hitliary gets all sad and shit about losing the election, it's always someone else's fault? I don't this bitch has ever taken responsibility for anything! Get over it, Hil, you're a cunt and people just don't like you!

  11. I don’t remember any Veteran enlisting to protect “democracy”. Fucking statists twisting and shoving that word down everyone’s throats day in and out. Clintons should hang - Roaddevil

    1. I put my hand in the air four times and recited that oath.
      I'm pretty sure "democracy" wasn't in it.
      But "...preserve, protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic" WAS.


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