
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I feel your pain, partner



  1. You see son - day drinking and falling asleep outside CAN HAVE CONSEQUENCES ...

  2. Imagine being young and having zero muscle tone.

  3. pro tip from someone who looked like that at east once a year....
    vinegar.... to take the burn out. vinegar will help re establish the proper PH balance of the skin and reduce the pain.
    lanolin... to help reduce peeling. helps moisturize the skin. baby oil would be second choice if ya can't find lanolin.
    aloe vera... helps the skin heal

  4. If you look like that, and depending on how much body surface is involved, you need to think about seeing your doc. That's a serious burn. Shouldn't be ignored or treated with home remedies without a look. The usual standard is 'home treatment if under 3" in diameter". The skin is the body's largest organ and an insult like that could lead to serious infection or other problems. If it happens often -more than once - think about having at least annual checks for skin cancer, forever, since you're at high risk of basal cell ca and melanoma.

    1. Or just stay drunk. That worked for me in 1973

    2. You weren't a kid around in the 50's were you?

  5. When you're Irish and visit Phoenix,....

  6. Ocean potion is wonderful for this.


  7. DUDE WTF ?????

  8. I've had a burn at least as bad. We rented a boat on Saratoga Lake and I ended up with huge pustule/blisters on my shoulders that everyone was telling me to go to the hospital for. I still have scars 40 years later.

    The worst part is, the guy I was with grabbed my rod that had a huge (for me) Walleye on it and reeled it in himself. I still haven't bagged a Walleye.

  9. See? White people are far more colorful than "colored" people.

  10. Had to shave my sunburned face one day and found out that Cremo shave cream works wonders. Started using it whenever I got a sunburn. Pain is usually gone by the next day and it will minimize the peeling if the burn isn't too bad.

  11. my most embarrassing burn was driving my t-top Trans Am to go see my g/f one summer, and it was hot so I had my shirt off as the highway breeze felt good. when I arrived I had a white stripe diagonally across my rosy red chest where my seatbelt had been.

  12. Most Anglo Saxon Brits have no melanin whatsoever.


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