
Monday, June 03, 2024

"If we pretend it's not happening, it's not happening"

CHICAGO — In a North Side ward where four people have been shot in the past week, and robberies and sex crimes are at their highest level in over a decade, the local alderman announced on Wednesday that she would no longer post crime alerts on social media or send crime alerts to her constituent email list.


Something about racism and her belief that “over-reporting of crime leads to an inaccurate public perception about crime rates.”


  1. And she'll be re-elected again and again.

  2. It's not like she has any live voters to worry about.
    John in Indy

  3. It's chicago. Dead voters out number live voters 2 to 1.

  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but notifying your constituents about crimes that have occurred in your district (i.e. their neighborhoods) isn't 'over-reporting of crime', its honesty and transparency, its sure as fuck not racism.

  5. Crime?
    What is that, if we pretend we don't know then it didn't happen, yeah right

  6. “over-reporting of crime leads to an inaccurate public perception about crime rates.”

    No, you moron. Reporting crime (WTF is "over-reporting"?) enables deadly accurate perceptions about crime rates. And about criminals. But we can't have THAT, can we? Logical inferences regarding crime and who, specifically, is committing it has become de facto "racism". As all the cool kids know, quantifying misanthropic behavior makes certain demographics look worse than others.

    Brutal piece by CWBChicago. It's great to see that at least some publications have the stones to call a spade a spade and point out the lunacy of the hard left.

    1. 'call a spade a spade'. I see what you did there...

  7. Bottom line: Ghetto Spooks are emotional reacting, instant gratification ignorant blobs of melanin rich, kinky haired protoplasm.Actually I'm being kind because I'm in a good mood.

  8. The real numbers might lead people to think the amish are partying harder than they should be

    1. Can't publish real figures in an election year.

  9. Sounds like they elected an ostrich...

  10. Is Jon Levitz her campaign manager?


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