
Monday, June 10, 2024

Liberal Hate, Kid Edition

Isometimes wonder if liberals are conscious of their hatred toward children. Lord knows that they have a seemingly inexhaustible amount of hatred for white people, for their country, for conservatives, for the Constitution, for working people (“rednecks”), for the police, for the Founding Fathers, for comedy, for history, for science, for anyone who thinks differently, for anyone who refused the Covid injection, for…you get the idea. But their hatred of children is a less remarked upon—but possibly even more important—phenomenon.


  1. Remember progressives play the long game. they look many generations down the road. The trait of Instant gratification is a Conservative malady. Corrupting the young generations is just one strategy in destroying American culture. Once the seeds are planted, they will automatically be part of future generations. Progressives have to destroy the country because they see it as the only way to build it back up by their blueprints. Traditional Americans are the enemy and that’s why progressives revile them. Because they see Trump as a serious threat to their plans he has to go first and they know the rest will fall by the wayside because they are in denial because they believe America will never change, fear prosecution leading to jail, fear losing their lively hoods and therefore their lifestyles. Most people are comfortable in their social nests and that’s going to lead to an inevitable cataclysm.

  2. Serious question from a foreigner in the UK, why are these people referred to as liberals? I see being a liberal as being in favour of freedom, opposed to government interference in people's lives. I'm in favour of low taxes because I would rather spend my money on what matters to me rather than have the government spending it on what stupid politicians have decided is good for me. The people being referred to here as liberals are the precise opposite of liberal.


    1. Because the leftists always use good sounding words and redefine them.

      Liberal now means only one opinion on everything.
      Progressive now means only one way to do things.
      Gay means to be unhappy with one's body and sexuality.

      And so forth and so on...

      Want to know what they really mean? Take the word they're using and the definition they're using and do a complete 180 on it.

    2. Well from an American perspective liberals are the big mouth know-it-alls that demand everyone believe exactly what they do. They hate freedom and everything associated with it... I usually refer to them as communist because that's what they actually are ....

  3. 1:33 PM: The totalitarian leftists deliberately switch their labels and word meanings when they become too accurate or well known.
    In the early 1900s, they were the Progressives. When that became known for stupidity, they rebranded themselves as "liberals" when they were actually closer to international socialists / communists.
    In the late 1960s, they branded their political ads in blue, when they had traditionally used red, to avoid the association of red with communism.
    They still regularly use the Humpty Dumpty definitions, which is that words mean what they say it means right now, regardless of what it meant yesterday, or tomorrow.
    John in Indy

  4. But they love children . Those in the womb they want to love to death before they are or just after they are born. Those that make it this far are now targets for sex , love and or genital mutilation. Evil cares enough to offer only their very best.

  5. I believe were living in another Sodom and Gomorrah and may I add it did not end well.

  6. Hell, I'm not anywhere near liberal, and I hate kids.
    --Tennessee Budd

  7. Bogside, that is an excellent description of what has happened and is happening and you are right. There is going to be a cataclysm. One we can not stop, nor shouldn't. Control, alt, delete.


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