
Monday, June 10, 2024

Needs shorter ropes



  1. After having to lawyer up against a gas company and seeing firsthand their godlike powers to steal land, not for the national interest, but their own bottom line and private utility pipes, ill cheer these clowns on regardless of how delusional their cause is. If it harms oil and gas, I'm all for it.

    Gas companies made a permanent enemy out of me and likely several of my neighbors.


    1. @arc 'If it harms oil and gas, I'm all for it.' Why do you even come to conservative blogs? Every comment you make shows your liberalism more and more.

    2. Don't speak too quick. You made a ton more enemies here than you could ever imagine. Don't forget to reply on your birch bark laptop.
      What fucking twat.

    3. @anon 8:21, anon 8:49
      When a faceless corporation brings bulldozers to your home and tells you they are taking it for a pittanc of a price they set, we will see if you sing the same tune. The "compensation" doesn't even begin to cover the devaluation of the land.

      I don't toe party lines and dare to have mixed positions. I am centrist In fiscal and foreign policy, liberal In environmental policy, and very much support private property rights. Property rights that no longer exist in the usa. Don't pay your taxes and you will learn that ownership of property only applies to those can exercise the greatest force to hold it.


    4. @arc, nobody said you were Democrat. Your past statements and the views you have expressed time and time again show you are a progressive which is 10x worse in my opinion.

    5. LOL "conservatism" means if I think you're a liberal I will abandon my principles of private property ownership because screwing over liberals is good.

      This is why both the Democrat and Republican parties suck. They compromise when they get to screw over someone they don't like instead of holding on to their principles....and then they get all butt-hurt when the other team manages to get elected and use the shit they passed against them.

    6. Whelp, so much for posting something humorous. Y'all (meaning the liberals) managed to turn it into a fucking argument that I have to moderate.
      Comments are now closed.

  2. The noose doesn't look right, either....

  3. I live in Cairns Australia and yesterday we experienced our coldest day in the last 80 years.

    1. Stop it with the lies.
      Everyone knows that Australia isn’t real.

    2. They changed it to "climate change" so it covers when it gets hot and when it gets cold.

    3. Everyone knows that Australia isn’t real.
      It is, but people doubt it cuz all the pictures come back upside down

    4. That's why they changed the catch phrase from Global Warming to Climate Change. The progression from Nuclear Winter to Global Warming to Climate Change is quite telling. They have no idea what's happening, but they're going to line their pockets either way.

  4. Heat em up boys!!!

  5. I'm sorry...I wanna see some real commitment from these folks.
    Let's tighten those nooses and shorten those ropes.
    I'll bring the lawn chairs and popcorn.

  6. THey need a quick kick in the azz.

  7. ... and me without my electric heat gun. Die Climate Extremist !!

  8. Much taller gallows as well

  9. Do that in Georgia and expect to be arrested for committing a hate crime

  10. noose, hands tied, ice melting...will anyone come to their aid or walk on by?

    1. Dionne Warwick says walk on by...

    2. Where are all of the scumbags with their cell phones taking pictures and filming this event?

  11. The one on the right has a lack of commitment. I suggest very short lengths of fine piano wire.

  12. Might be fun to sit across the street with a mirror

  13. I've always thought putting someone out in the woods like that in winter would be a good idea. Gives them a couple days to think about why they are there as the ice melts and their toes miss touching the ground by a quarter inch.

  14. Trees were brutally murdered to build these gallows.

    1. Then there's the fact that they used timbers cut from clear, vertical grain logs which comes from old growth trees. They deserve to be hung for that.

  15. Am I the only one who would bring a tiger torch to speed up the process?

  16. Poor bastards ...someone needs to tell them that there is no climate emergency whatsoever ... Whatever climate change there is ... is simply a normal part of climate fluctuations. The sun has the biggest affect upon the earth and the Sun is not under the control of idiots like Al Gore.

    1. Al "the bore" Gore is laughing all the way to the bank...

  17. "When's lunch? I'm getting hungry."

  18. Cologne Germany in the winter is 32F-40F and in the summer it is 70F to 80F, that is just about perfect weather for planet Earth...... Wankers! Global what? Global taxation is what we are working towards....
