
Monday, June 10, 2024

Nice 5 o'clock shadow, lady

A Chicago woman faces charges of first-degree murder and concealing a homicidal death for allegedly beating a man to death with a hammer and stashing his body in a kitchen cupboard.


  1. Won't get any time cuz she gots to be home wit da chilren.

  2. Old Rug- Is that the current euphemism for dead gay lover?

  3. Chicongoans gonna Chicongo. - Nemo


  5. Not very lady-like, young man!

  6. Her name is Victoria. Why do I have the old musical Victor/Victoria in my head? And no, I don't sing Broadway songs. I just happened to watch a LOT of old movies when I was a kid and they had the much-missed Saturday Night at the Movies.
    I think it was on NBC and my parents would go out for the evening, and my twin brother and I got to stay up late on Saturday nights. That movie night was our favorite. I remember one of the cool movies that we watched was Anzio, starring Peter Falk, among others. But they also played movies like Victor/Victoria as well. Not our favorites, but I did watch it once, although maybe not on the movie night. It helped me to have a broad range of "culture" to back up my young learning.
    I also used to watch Saturday Night Live. When it was edgy and relevant, instead of spiteful and crappy.

  7. The next time you see this abomination will be as Miss Illinois at the Miss America pageant.


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