
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

No more shiny badge for you!

On May 3, 2024, Deputy Eddie Duran shot and killed Senior Airman Roger Fortson when Fortson answered the deputy’s demand for entry on a domestic violence call. The initial review of the body cam video was discussed on AmmoLand.

The Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) has completed its administrative internal affairs investigation into the shooting. The findings of the investigation were released on May 30, 2024. On May 31, the Sheriff’s office announced Deputy Eddie Duran had violated the Sheriff’s Office policy and had been terminated (fired) from his position. From the Okaloosa Sheriff’s Facebook page


  1. Friggin’ chickens*** nosy neighbor jumping to conclusions based on her own mentality and supposition projected onto reality. She needs to be looked at, her history will shed light on her action. Minimally she should be subject to a good talking to otherwise she’ll continue thinking she was in the right to “comment” and will do it again when triggered by her hypersensitive moronic brain. A man lost his life based on pure assumption. Know your neighbors, especially those in close proximity, then adjust accordingly.

  2. Needs to happen more often. Some cops are bad choices and like Apples they start rot in the whole barrel. Most noticiable in FBI, CIA and NSA.

  3. I never know who in the fuck is at my door. Threatening to kick my shit in doesn’t help anyone. Thank God for body cams or this would be swept under the rug and the cop called a hero. No wonder so many of them are psycho, they do horrible shit.

  4. Unless, and until, this deputy is charged with, and convicted of murder, then this isn't finished.

    It'll keep happening until cops start facing the consequences of their actions.
    If they are that afraid, then they should become crossing guards or something.

    This shit about "Officer Safety" and "Qualified Immunity" has gone WAY over the top.

    1. Whether they resign or were fired should have no bearing on criminal charges proceeding. Same as the deep swamp beauricrats or politicians, so tired of them escaping justice because they are no longer employed, if anything it should make it easier.

    2. Amen- need to be interred UNDER the jail to serve as a reminder to the rest of the blue freak show. Negligent homicide at best, premeditated extrajudicial killing in cold blood most likely (and as usual these days)

  5. Man what an unfortunate event. Follow the links of the event chain, where did the chain start to become weak? A man lost his life and why? The sad part is the main department supervisor will not be held accountable, the deputy will not be held accountable (as if you or I did the shooting), the leasing agency will not be held accountable, and the worst of the worst the Karen will not be held accountable. In the end a man is dead because no one today is ever held accountable for their actions anymore. If personal accountability was the norm individuals would use that gray blob of flesh that lays between their ears and behind their eyes. It’s just fookin sad how far we have slipped. It’s sad and it’s fookin scary.
    Saber 7

  6. This shooting was discussed on Active Self Protection. Answering you door with a gun in hand when the police knock is not a wise move by the victim.

    1. You know for sure everyone saying they are a cop is a cop? Wish I had your crystal ball and unicorns.

    2. Exactly. You never know who is on the other side of the door. Just because they say they are a cop doesn't mean they are....
      Just because a person has a gun in their hand is no reason for the cops to shoot. If that were the case, everytime I see a cop with his hand on a gun or with one in his hand, , do I get to shoot him preemptively a a potential threat?

    3. Call 911 and ask if the police are at your door and tell the officer what you are doing for verification. You can not be that stupid. I have had cops show up at my house at 2 AM when they were supposed to be at the neighbor two doors down. T

  7. Anyone can say they're the police.

  8. Murder by a thug with a badge. Five rounds in less than 1 second? That's some damned fast shooting....

  9. They fired him 4 days ago. I wonder if he'll take any time off before he starts his new law enforcement job?

  10. If you are unsure who is at the door, don't open the door. Tell the officer that you are going to call 911 for verification. That is not a crystal ball or a unicorn, that is common sense. Watch the video. The victim opened the door fully with a weapon displayed. He did not have it holstered, he did not hold the pistol behind himself or behind a partially opened door. When you are approached by the police, use your brains. I had a crazy neighbor who "swatted" me twice before it was a common trick while I was on my private shooting range (he called the police and said I had an illegal machine gun the first time and that I was shooting at his house the second time). I had the common sense to put my firearms down as soon as I was aware the police were present and put my hands up. If you want to exercise your "rights" being armed around the police, FAFO the hard way.


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