
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Projection, Anyone?

A headline in today’s New York Post: “AOC worries Donald Trump would throw her in jail if he wins presidency: ‘He’s out of his mind.’” We are seeing a lot of this kind of talk from Democrats: if Trump wins, he will jail his political opponents, and it will be the end of our democracy! 

On one level, this is idiotic. The president has no power to throw anyone in jail. At the same time, one is tempted to say: gosh, where would he get that idea? Because the Democratic Party has spent the last three years bringing one bogus criminal prosecution after another, trying to imprison Trump. So the Democrats obviously are projecting.


  1. She's as crazy as a fox. Of course intelligent people know she can't be arbitrarily thrown in jail, but then the people who have returned her to office aren't all that smart, are they?

  2. Oh….”baby girl”….
    If you did anything traitorous….
    you should pay traitorous prices….”baby girl”….!!!!

  3. Wonder what she's done to think she might be vulnerable?

  4. "and it will be the end of our democracy!"
    our= democrats
    democracy= mob rule
    it will be the end of democrats mob rule.

  5. I was already going to vote for him, you don't have to keep selling it.

  6. Jail? No.
    Sanitarium? Oh hell yeah.

  7. "The president has no power to throw anyone in jail."
    But he does have the power to have you killed

  8. It's not just demoncrats that think that way. I had 2 customers in the store today that "professed" to be conservative; but they were having a hard time voting for Trump.
    The first one started spluttering about fascists and the second one was of the mind that the first couple of years would be ok; but then, "Trump will become a dictator".
    The first one PO'd me so bad that I had to vacate his aura. The second one I asked him what kind of country did he want to live in. That seemed to set him back a bit.

  9. Throw her in jail? No.
    Casually mention, "Who will rid me of this troublesome tw*t?" On Twitter.

  10. " it will be the end of our democracy!"

    As a reminder, the USA is a Constitutional Republic, not a f'ing democracy.

  11. Oh Alexandra.... Bless your heart, but Orangemanbad isn't a Democrat, so you really don't have to worry.
    It's not Republicans who have a track record of throwing undesirables into internment camps after all.

  12. statute of limitations? Seems that NY went out of its way to pass a law to lengthen the statue of limitations against Trump. I don't see a problem doing the same just for them...

  13. Why would the socialists, communists and progressives deserve anything less? Take over of the republic by these individuals is unconstitutional treason against the republic and its people. Eventually the uncivil and immoral will need to be removed from civil society if we want it back.

  14. Jail?
    Not yet.
    Investigation into how a bar waitress became a multimillionaire on a 6 figure congress-critters salary in 4 years - THEN jail.


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