
Monday, June 24, 2024

Russia blames US for Crimea deaths and vows response

Russia has blamed the US and vowed "consequences" for a Ukrainian missile strike on Sevastopol in occupied Crimea on Sunday, which officials say killed four people - including two children.

Around 150 more were injured in the attack as missile debris fell on a beach nearby.

Russia's defence ministry said the missiles used by Ukraine were US-supplied ATACMS missiles, and claimed they were programmed by US specialists.


  1. As they should...

  2. Am I the only one who is reminded of Vietnam with this fiasco in Ukraine? FJB will go down as the starter of the war if we get more involved. And it seems like congress doesn't have the balls or the brains to say no more money for them.

    1. Hey, those congresscritters have bills to pay too!

    2. What I remember about Vietnam was the Soviet made AA missiles and mines, etc...
      Russian made weapons killed a hell of lot more US GI's than the Ukraine.

      That said, for God's sake stop trying to start a nuclear war! I don't give a damn about Ukraine, not enough to die over.

    3. Those Russian weapons wouldn't have killed so many of our people if we were allowed to target them. Who didn't allow us to target them? The democrats in charge, of course.

      Nothing changes, ever.

  3. Quote from Putin - " These continuing attacks by the United States using their Ukranian proxy are Acts Of War, and we're only still alive because of the astonishing restraint of the Russians. The Russians have warned repeatedly of the consequences, all of which we've ignored. We're begging for an all out pre-emptive nuclear first strike on NATO and the United States, as published Russian nuclear doctrine demands, and we'll get it much sooner than later. Russians never bluff. Enjoy your life my friends, it won't last much longer... - CP"

    1. Was once told that in wargames the US tends to go to nukes first. Putin has had plenty of reasons to escalate and has shown restraint. I think he will here too.

      Besides, no reason to use nukes, just take down the internet or take out a few power plants. Turn Atlanta dark during the debate, now that would be awesome

    2. Putin has unbelievable restraint. Had positions been reversed, FJB would have launched nukes by now. F* Ukraine - or at least Zelensky, Biden, Pelosi, Romney, and Kerry

  4. Has any country ever had a foreign policy of "Mind your own fucking business"?

    1. Switzerland did, until they joined NATO...

  5. Ya, not 'occupied', there was an referendum that went overwhelmingly in favour of the Russian Federation....payback is gon be a bitch!

    Chutes Magoo

  6. C-in-C Biden says "It’s all malarkey! If the Ruskis get pissed we’ll resurrect the draft and kick their commie asses”.

    1. Brandon say, "we'll send your boy cause mine ain't going".

  7. Well let's put the responsibility where it belongs Ba Rak O Bammy, slo joe and Hildabeast Klinton started this with their color revolution.... Personally I'm in favor of hand delivering these assholes to Putin with our apologies for allowing this trash to get anywhere near the White House

    1. This blog needs an upvote mechanism. I'd give you one if it did.

  8. Start the draft today! Start with our femi-nazis.

    1. On a side note, while I am not really in favor of women on the front lines, I have been one for advocating for them to register for "selective service" (one of the most aptly name gov progs) if they are all about equal rights, we can do what men do, etc.
      I find it sadly funny that many, mostly convervatives, are staunchly against it. I had always heard one of the best ways to get rid of a bad law, etc is to strictly enforce it (other than the Soros method of ignoring it). The women want to be equal, they need to put their money where their mouth is!
      Back to the regular comments, sorry

  9. Putin/Russia using nukes isn't impossible but it's very unlikely. Because once that genie is out of the bottle everyone loses including Putin and Russia. Once the first mushroom sprouts they will mushrooms after a rainstorm. China will try to take Taiwan. Taiwan almost certainly has nukes they haven't admitted to, they will use them. Iran and Israel will take the gloves off then India and Pakistan will get at it and it will be the long discussed TEOTWAWKI.

    1. How about drone attacks over a very crowded Miami Beach? Paybacks are a bitch.

    2. Any beaches in the District of Criminals? Asking for a friend…

  10. Ten thousand upvotes.


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