
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Saudi Arabia's petro-dollar exit: A global finance paradigm shift

Significant financial upheaval is potentially ahead of the financial world as Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew its 80-year petro-dollar deal with the United States. The deal, which expired on Sunday 9 June, was a cornerstone of the United States global economic dominance.


  1. Along with Chinks ramping up EV production & Biden cutting American drilling it's part of the globalists' plan. Gird your financial loins petrol car drivers

    1. Maybe, but China's trying to hide a 7 trillion deft. Not even close to here, but they're worried enough to block any information about it.

  2. back in the 1980's I sat in on a lecture of this shit at CGSC. at that time, over 70% of ALL one hundred dollar bills ever printed where held overseas, or so they say/figured. anyway, the rest of the lecture was about what would happen when all of those bills came home.
    think Weimar republic all over again. as it is only a matter of time now when the dollar becomes totally worthless and we are all fucked. as I have said before, stuff is better than money. granted it has to be the right stuff.
    thus is not a good thing for most of us. the rich pricks already have most of their cash in gold or other HARD assets . think inflation is bad now ? we haven't seen anything yet.
    I figure if Trump gets in, and the dollar crashes, they will blame him although he had nothing to do with it. but the bankers on the other hand,,,
    and that is why you ccan get hundred dollar bills from the ATM now a days. it will become the new one dollar bill if we are lucky.
    dave in pa.

  3. It means that the US can no longer export its' inflation via the petrodollars & SWIFT. The printers might whirr producing paper dollars, but just like the Weimar German Papiermark, it will not retain its' value.
    A consequence of this is countries that were funding our inflation via SWIFT have moved to BRICS and don't have to pay to play, anymore.
    Expect to experience hyperinflation.

    1. And of course, THEY have full trust in the BRICS dictators.
      THEY will be the first ones to collapse.

    2. Dictators. Please.
      As if this sham in the US is any different.

    3. A further commentary on it:
      In other completely unrelated news: Saudi Arabia has suggested anchoring the price of oil to gold at “One barrel of oil for one gram of gold” (that is presently about $74). That way, no need for the Petro Dollar! Oh, and Biden & Co have said that since oil is irrelevant in our EV Utopia, no need to buy it so no need for the Petro Dollar with oil priced in $US. That 50 year “deal” to price & pay for oil in $US is now expired. What with Saudi (and UAE and others) now in BRICS+ (and they are up from 40-ish to over 52 new applicant countries) along with several other oil patch countries (not the least of which is Russia…) and with Saudi already doing oil payment trades in Yuan with China… You can see that a huge tectonic shift in Reserve Currencies and $US Petrodollar is underway (just out the starting gate). So expect over the next year or two for the $US to “have issues” as ever more of the world no longer MUST have it to buy oil.

  4. It is so difficult not to be a nay-sayer. The dissolution of the Petrodollar, Russian ships in the Caribbean, open border with masses of military-age men entering the US, rampant inflation, etc, etc, etc. We are well into the "Perfect Storm." I wish everyone here, well! Keep your powder dry!

  5. Shit is hitting the fan….now….
    Clif High….a computer analysis/trend nerd….
    predicted that mid July was gonna get spicy.

  6. "The US- Saudi Petrodollar pact automatically extends every 5 years. The pact or deal has not ended." "This is why this is not carried on major news sites."...


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