
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

See, they have these things called ratchet straps...

A bride-to-be in Utah found herself getting patched up the day before her wedding after she was thrown from the bed of a truck going 50 miles per hour while trying to transport a mattress.


  1. And they're going to breed.

  2. I suspect she had reservations about the whole thing but was told, "It'll be fine, " and went along with it. She is inoculated against that phrase for her entire marriage. He doesn't even know how many battles he's already lost.

  3. Some rope,tossed behind the seat. Why even Have a pickup if you're not going to keep some rope handy? He coulda tied her spread eagle across the mattress and kept it and her on board.

  4. SMH, people these days.... Never go over 40 mph when doing dumb shit


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