
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

What the fu.....

A woman allegedly stabbed a 3-year-old boy to death outside an Ohio grocery store in a random attack, according to police. 

The boy, Julian, and his mother, Margot Wood, were both stabbed around 3 p.m. Monday in the parking lot of a Giant Eagle in North Olmsted, about 15 miles outside of Cleveland, according to North Olmsted police.


  1. WOW.....I can hear the hue and cry now...We need sensible knife control!

    1. That Place Where Great Britain Used to Be has sensible knife control.

    2. They should change it to Mediocre Britain...

  2. Too bad nobody was there with a gun to intervene. Sad story.

    1. Had there been someone with a gun and had this sick person been put out of her misery, I am sure that would have been followed by riots such as those which followed the demise of the sainted George Floyd

  3. Has the mother been arrested yet? The police does not have time to go after the actual CRIMINALS.

    1. What would they arrest the mother for, shopping? Getting stabbed too?

    2. The police has to arrest SOMEONE or they'd be out of a job. They are no longer allowed to go after favorite democrat criminals so victims are the next step.

  4. look at her smile in the court room

    1. Nothing like a little lead behind the left ear wouldn't cure.

    2. Funny how the smile NEVER reaches their dead sub-human eyes.

    3. Lol No,I read that and went right on by. Then I understood the accuracy and importance of what you said. And came back. Excellent point, man..

  5. Reasonably high end suburb of Cleveland. Major mall and outlying retail. On the rta bus lines.
    I might not have moved far enough out. That or the diversity is spreading faster than any of us anticipated.
    This is about 45 minutes drive from me, maybe another 30 to Cleveland proper.


    1. Cleveland has a high end?

    2. anywhere you have public trans, you are going to face this "problem".
      most public housing has bus lines. you want to be as far away from any bus lines as you can get. and another thing. why do you think a lot of car jacking get done at gas stations ? they need a ride and they not going to put gas in it.. so for them it is a twofer. they get a ride with gas and a way to hunt. YES. hunt. that is what they are doing. used to "live" on philly. back in the early 1990's. home invasions where just getting started. they would wait until you came home from shopping and then break in and rob you. if you where lucky that is. car jacking got started back around 2002 or so. or rather that is when they figured it out.
      back in philly, I kept a 12 semi auto shotgun loaded with number 4 buck for the first 2 rounds and slugs after that. and I had 2 big dogs and a solid oak door too.
      got tired of standing guard after shopping and unloading the car so we moved the hell out of there. as far as the anti white crap goes, look no farther than Bozo and what he pushed. since then it has only gotten worse. they are not going to be happy until the whole country is in flames. and now with schools out, you better plan on this getting a lot worse over the summer. like the kids in the PLO, they are taught to hate from birth. what you seeing now is the result of all of that shit.
      cell phones only make this worse as they get "fame" for taking on whitey when they put it on the web. why anyone will stay anywhere near them is just insane anymore. anyway. my 2 cents worth. davei n pa.

  6. It gets worse:

  7. I watched the arraignment of this evil sheboon yesterday, and am at a loss of words as to her demeanor. Ship every damned one back to Africa.

  8. the 3yr old boy r/i/p

  9. Absolutely Random,, if you're stupid enough to not see that she Targeted that beautiful little guy Because he is, was,going to grow up and continue to oppress her and her community. No more pure motive than Hate for him Because he's White. She followed them around. They were Targeted.. Which doesn't fit the Random bullshit.

  10. About a year ago I got a call from a headhunter asking if I was interested in an executive position in Cleveland. It was a short conversation. Hard pass.

  11. Not sure is Ellis was a jogger or Amish? That information missing? How is this acceptable human behavior? A decision to kill a random mother and child? I will go out on a wing here, if the race colors were reverse this incident would be national news for sure. What did this 3 year old boy do to deserve this?
    Folks more and more one must decide, if you live, reside, work in a region with “The Jogger” you must change your situational awareness. Any time a jogger/amish approach your person with in 20 feet making a direct path towards you, you should be at alert lever RED and be ready to defend yourself with deadly force.

  12. This is further proof to never relax. See and avoid, your inner voice is screaming at you to see and avoid.

  13. Demon. This isn't mental illness, it's a devil in human flesh. Its smile reveals it. Hate crime if there ever was one.


  14. He'll isn't hot enough for some people.

    1. Including the judge that turned her ass loose.

  15. News report from NYC says another woman was randomly stabbed to death. Pics seem to show a pretty good area. And since the report doesn't say the race, we can guess. There are some really dark forces out there trying to ignite a race war, damn them.

  16. Rabid female Baboon stabs white, 3-year-old boy. It made a brief splash, but there will be no protests of "racism" because baboons cannot be racist and the news media has already relegated it to the trash can.


  18. It made national news. As a few others commented, she was all smiles in court. Fortunately, they're considering the death penalty for her.

    1. IT shouldn't have survived the ride to jail.

  19. Didn't even need to see the mugshot. "biOnca" told me all I needed to know.

  20. Tie her to a chair, and remove all of her skin while she is alive. Then tell the MSM she's white and watch the news coverage go waaaay up.

  21. Guess the two words: N* C*

  22. About 30 minutes from where i live. Have actually been in that store a few times. If you think this story is bad, wait till you see her arraignment and here the back story. Infuriating. I don't recall your rules on posting links, so i will not. I believe you can figure it out with those already posted.



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