
Monday, June 10, 2024

Your Monday Morning Florida Report

A Palm Bay man is facing multiple charges after he caused damage to church property and attacked an officer, police said. 

In an arrest affidavit, police said they responded to a call about a man who broke into The Mission Church, 100 Emerson Drive NW, around 5:30 p.m. Saturday in Palm Bay.


  1. -Bornman told police the “church stole everything from him and that’s why he broke into the church and caused all the damage inside”.-

    Now tell him about congress.

  2. Looks like he removes his evil clown makeup with bleach. Non motus mentis...just like SloJoe.

  3. Repent sinner or the transgressor against God's house shall be stricken by a plague of locust scorpions, vipers and pubic lice.


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