
Thursday, July 18, 2024

An entire rest area? In Tennessee?

SMITH COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) — The Smith County Sheriff’s Office said a man who allegedly held a rest area at gunpoint and ran from Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) Sunday morning has been taken into custody.


  1. Back when I was married...2015ish.... I took the family in an RV to Disney World traveling from S.E. Washington. On the way we'd stop in Wal-Marts and Truck Stops to sleep etc. We also used the occasional rest area. The one memory that stands out above the rest is a stop in Tennessee where the rest area was patrolled the entire night by a Tennessee State Trooper. Apparently, they've either stopped the practice or missed this one.

  2. Well, he pointed a gun then ran away.

  3. I've been at that rest area many times. It's pretty big, so holding the entire thing is quite implausible. There is a spot in the building you could hold most of the people inside at gunpoint, however.


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