
Friday, July 26, 2024

Boeing - what can you say...

A pair of Astronauts remain trapped in space with no end in sight to their near two month long ordeal while engineers try to fix their faulty Boeing spaceship.

Sunita Williams and Barry 'Butch' Wilmore have had their stay on the International Space Station extended indefinitely after hoping to visit the orbiting lab for 8 days.

On Friday July 26, they hit day 51. 


  1. They'll come down one way or another. Orbit's got to decay eventually.

    1. Suitcase JeffersonJuly 26, 2024 at 3:34 PM

      You can't be too careful.

  2. As long as the door plug stays in place they'll be OK.

  3. Starting to remind me of The Kingston Trio's song "M.T.A.".

    1. While Boeing management sings " greenback dollar", the astronauts are singing " worried man"

  4. Why don't they just suck it up and call Musk and have him go get them.

  5. Geez. That guy is stuck up there with that fugly thing? Woof. What’s the over under he opens the hatch to end his misery before 70 days? 90 days?

    1. I'm with you. If you're stuck in space with chicks, they better be hot. Otherwise, just take your chances.

      "They bought their tickets...they knew what they were getting into...I say, let 'em crash!"

    2. It's almost closing time, not much left.

  6. If you are really interested in finding out how Boeing got where they are today I highly recommend reading "The Man Who Broke Capitalism".

  7. They're hanging out on the ISS while Boeing and NASA figure out if Starliner is going to be able to bring them back. Worst outcome for Boeing, is that they do have to come back on the Crew Dragon (SpaceX) or Soyuz that serve as life boats for the ISS.
    Things were going wrong for Starliner well before they launched, but went ahead with the flight as NASA really doesn't want to be beholden to SpaceX for the ability to put men in space.

  8. Have Space X send a capsule to bring them back.

    1. I hope Elon makes Biden grovel.

  9. Replies
    1. So few really understand that.

  10. If they had been union there would be some great overtime pay here.

  11. One thing nobody has Mentioned - Supplies are sent up with each Crew, for their expected Stay, and Resupply Capsules are also carefully figured for (planned) Crew/ Days. Weight and Storage Space are Limited, and at what point does the "Cupboard start looking Bare?" Do the Russians have any Supplies to spare? Given the current 'political situation', Would They?

    There's a good possibility that the corporate pukes at Boeing and not-a-Space Agency are carefully thinking about what would be a 'worse' P-R Failure; having to Call the Muskrat for a Uber, or Order the Crew to get into a Known Defective Capsule and try to Land it.... Then either Crash-n-Burn (actually, Burn-n-Crash) or wind up like the Crew in Martin Caidin's book, "Marooned"...

    1. Donner! Party of one, your table is ready.

  12. I wouldn't trust the capsule to return to earth. This could end like the Russian cosmonauts who knew they were going to burn up on return.

  13. For here
    Am I sitting in a tin can
    Far above the world
    Planet Earth is blue
    And there's nothing I can do

  14. This all part of the disintegration of our Republic into a corrupt, venal, syphilitic-thinking, empire which rewards mediocrity, gender-based promotions, and Godlessness. Life is a vale of tears. Bleib ubrig.

  15. Imagine, if you will, that you are in a plane waiting to take off and Captain Speaking comes on PA to give you the usual info, but also tells you that the plane will probably not disintegrate or fly into ground.

  16. You guys are all crazy.
    DEI will save them. We just don't have enough minorities working on the problem.


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