
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Democracy and the Donor Class

Among recent political events, perhaps the most notable has been the power of a small group of super-rich Americans to exercise outsized political influence. Recall how President Biden soldiered on despite sinking poll numbers, pleas from worried down-ballot Democrats to drop out, and the clear evidence of cognitive decline. Joe remained steadfast, but then overnight, he dropped out. Why? The dramatic decline in super-sized donations did the trick. When major contributors said, “No dough until Joe goes,” Biden surrendered to reality. If there ever was an instance of “money talks” in politics, this is it.


  1. This country has been run forever by the Military-Industrial complex with the Lobbyist-Politician parasitic relationship as the moola conduit. The big donors who are mostly Democrats know if expensive to produce TV commercials aimed at the 8-year-old mentality consumers can be effective in getting Americans to buy crap they know lots of moola invested in shit candidates can be successful in getting them elected in a population of emotionally reacting, instant gratification voters.

  2. " Biden surrendered to reality."???
    Nope. Obozo surrendered to reality.

  3. Obammy called him and told him he backs removing him by the 25 Ammendment and old slo joe took a dive.... slo joe nominated Kamal Toe as a big fuck you ..

  4. Ironic considering how FJB told the Ukraine State Prosecutor that either they got rid of the investigator or no billons for them.

  5. All y'all are so wrong. Slo Biden didn't do diddly. It was his wife and the coke-head that decided it was time to pull out. The real question is, of course, how much did the DNC pay his wife and coke-head son to have 'Joe' quit?

  6. Ex NYC mayor Bloomberg spent nearly $1B to run against Trump in 2020, I expect the Bidens got over a billion (not being sarcastic).

  7. After Boden and the democrats failed to kill Trump , Biden dropped out. there is NO way the secret service is that incompetent. they did it on purpose or collaborated with the assassin .


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