
Thursday, July 04, 2024

Goddamn, I love watching the Left destroy itself

Kamala Harris delegate Areva Martin said they are going to blow up the Democrat Party if they choose a white man that isn’t Joe Biden as the party’s nominee.

During an appearance on Stephen A. Smith’s podcast, Martin said, “You’ve got to build consensus, and there is no consensus right now.”

“You pick a white man over Kamala Harris — black women, I can tell you this: We’re gonna walk away, we’re gonna blow the party up.”


  1. Given that Trump is polling the best with black voters of any Republican since LBJ said he would get the n*gg*rs to vote Democrat for a generation, it is a very safe thing for Martin to say. If he calls for a boycott, he gets credit for whatever bump Trump is going to get from blacks anyway.

  2. Racists hate themselves more than they hate you.

  3. Kamala is not black, she's Indian Dot not feather

    1. If there were 50 million Indians in this country, she would be Indian, not black.

    2. And black Jamaican

    3. She's just like Obammie, they're both Halfricans

    4. Whose grandfather owned slaves.

    5. Indian & Jamaican & last I heard neither call themselves black

    6. Birdchaser nailed the truth of the moment. Harris has ZERO connection to Black Americans and any claim by her to them is an obvious, blatant lie.

  4. Hey Kenny;

    Intersectional Identity racial politics....Ahhh the modern democrat for you.

    1. Identity is racial. It’s like saying family isn’t identity.

  5. Seems any color other than white is black. These people can’t even work together without threats of destruction..

  6. So, Kamel Toe is now a Black woman? Just a couple years ago she was Indian-American which, I believe, makes her brown. I'd understand if they describe her as "a woman of color". Black? Not on her best day.

    Talk about trying to pander to a minority while pissing off another minority.



  7. Dumb, calculating, corrupt, cackling cow. Say whatever you want about Kamel Toe, but Willie says she swallows in one gulp as she hums the Battle Hymn of the Republic. So if she’s the Democrat nominee that patriotic vision will be in my mind when I vote for Donald Trump.

  8. This will all blow over and Biden will be re-elected by a huge majority. At least that's what I believed up till right now. Now I think Biden will resign in the next few days and Kamala will step in as the 47th President and then get re-elected by a huge majority. President Harris. It's going to be great. I might even go out and vote for her just to help get the total collapse of the country underway so we can restart with whatever's left. I'm tired of the whole farce and it needs to be over.

  9. There are many of us that believe she is uneligible to be the President, even worse than Obama, who at least had one American parent. Her mother does not appear to have ever became a citizen and her dad as best I have been able to find "At some time prior to May 2015, Harris became a naturalized U.S. citizen."

    1. Winston Churchill had an American mother as well.

    2. That drunken fool with his gambling debt lost the Empire.

  10. To quote someone (I don't know who) "My heart feels like an alligator." come to mind.

    1. That was Dr. Hunter Thompson.

  11. Oh boy!! The bozos and baboons are going to fight each other. Both have room temperature IQs

  12. Promises, promises. Please keep this one.

  13. Did I read this correctly?
    "We don't care how bad, as long as it is a black woman".
    Why black?
    Cameltoe is not black.

  14. LOL

    are we supposed to believe the blacks would ever vote for a republican ?
    they vote democrat 98% of the time.


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