
Monday, July 15, 2024

Hang on to your wallets and cocks, boys

Pickpocket crews ran rampant during the annual Chicago Pride festivities in Boystown last month, police records show. At least 57 people reported having phones or wallets stolen while they attended the Pride Fest weekend or the annual Pride Parade. 

On Saturday, June 22, alone, police reported an incredible 31 thefts within and immediately adjacent to Pride Fest. Even more astounding, police reported 25 of those 31 thefts in less than three hours, beginning around 7 p.m.


  1. Illegal meskins robbing people, I'm shocked.

  2. Pride parade, so not only watch your wallets, but your Gerbils as well.

  3. the likely suspects are the gypsies from Romania or gangs from south of the border, all in in the country illegally thanks to the dementia patient occupying the oval office.

  4. Considering the amount of nudity at those events, I’m sure the thieves had to work hard for their plunder.
    How do you get the booty, from a booty unnoticed?

    Never mind ,
    Don’t want to know!


  5. At that event, if you drop your wallet, it's best to kick it about 8 blocks away before you bend over to pick it up.

  6. If the perps are gay, LGBTQXYZ or whatever, the cops should simply release them back to their own ilk - they will likely be bitched at until they kill themselves.

  7. Imagine perusing the photos on those phones, yeesh.

    1. True. Just imagine where some of those phones have been. Ewww!

  8. I had someone try to pickpocket me on Bourbon street in New Orleans. I keep my wallet in my leg pocket in my cargo pants. Seemed to work, guy didn't get anything.

  9. I'm sure the pickpockets didn't have to be that talented - pat the guy's ass, lift his wallet...

  10. It must be those damn Irish again...

  11. A Pride event in Boystown. How apt.
    --Tennessee Budd

  12. about 4% of men are born gay, the rest just get sucked into it.


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