
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

MOST CORRUPT: Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover was a man of many contradictions, but he was a man of his time, and in some ways ahead of his time. Some of his actions have been praised as extraordinary on a humanitarian level, while other actions caused some to demonize him. Let’s look at his career and examine both arguments. 
VIDEO HERE  (30:21 minutes)


  1. non-functional link

  2. Haven't watched yet but my gut tells me NO ONE was as corrupt as LBJ.

  3. I have watched it now (at double speed). I still say LBJ was worse.

    1. Go to their channel. They have a series titled Most Corrupt and LBJ is in there, along with Biden and other presidents.

  4. Joe Biden says "Most corrupt? Here, hold my...uh....uh............well, anyway"-

  5. Coolidge was better...kept his nose out of everyone's business. Lincoln was a Grade A1 turd, shame he was shot instead of hanged by public acclaim. Guess that shows what the public were...everything since then is deserved, and a direct consequence thereof. "A Republic, if you can keep it". Didn't last long.

    1. Lincoln disliked the Negroes. He freed them in hopes that they would revolt, forcing the Confederate soldiers to go home to defend their families and property.

  6. Hoover most corrupt? Nah. Look harder at fdr also

  7. Hoover spent his later years writing a massive secret history of WWII. It's was only recently published after his heirs suppressed it for decades.

  8. Hoover was a closet socialist. Big central control guy. But was the greatest mining engineer of os day. Endowed Stanford heavily.

    Oh, will go to the Stanford Clempson FB game this fall if the Stanford Band will perform. Gotta see them live once. Saw the UVA Band there in the late 90s before they disbanded their Pep Band.

  9. Forgive me, but I see no corruption in this video, but I have had 3 glasses of wine.
    Steve in Idaho

  10. thus the constitution had limited powers of the presidency


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