
Monday, July 29, 2024

Most university chief diversity officers are black

Chief diversity officer positions at major universities primarily go to black males and females, according to a College Fix analysis.

Though black females are only six percent of the population, they obtained about 55 percent of top diversity officer roles among the country’s top 50 colleges and universities. The Fix compiled its list using the U.S. News and World Report rankings of national universities.


  1. Show of hands, how many of you have met a white Human relations/ equal opportunity NCO?
    One national guard unit I was in, the only black guy was the HREO NCO. He got a two paygrade bump to take the position.

    1. As a company commander in Korea I had to assign an 'additional duty', ie. 'EO officer' to one of my four lieutenants. Was going to assign it to the Black female LT when the Battalion EO officer, a Black female captain said that I couldn't do that.

      She said assigning 'EO' officer as an additional duty based on race...could be seen as 'racist'.

    2. yeah, that goes back to the 1970's and when we had to sit and listen to that bullshit.
      got so bad that 2 blacks had to make rank for every one white guy. and they wonder why no one wants to stay in or join ? every kid that asks me about it, I tell them to go learn a trade instead. fuck the army!

  2. Hey. they're just following the scripts of all the major TV shows. They all have a black in charge of everything.

  3. That's the only reason it exists, jobs and promotions not on merit or abilities but on skin color, black, and sex, female,.

  4. White bosses looking for a job for poo' black people? Give them A USELESS JOB.

    1. Let's call it something official sounding...
      I've got it: Post Office!!!

  5. Want a real treat? Look up the DEI committee that is advising your Governor (EVERY state has such a committee, even the deep red ones 'cuase they can't get federal $ without one). They are ALL graduates of gender studies or pseudo psychological programs specializing in "cultural affairs", most with advanced degrees in same and 95% of them are women.


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