
Monday, July 01, 2024

Much wailing and gnashing of teeth among the liberals right now

Former President Donald Trump is celebrating his Supreme Court 'big win' on presidential immunity while Democrats started melting down.  

The conservative 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court ruled a president does have immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts in a monumental decision Monday.

The six-three decision is a major blow to Special Counsel Jack Smith's cases against the ex-president.   


  1. yeah but the court said "official duties." were his actions part of that? idk. who gets to decide? idk. seems to me they left it open.

    1. Not only that, but this will apply to lefty presidents as well.

    2. It seems to me that questioning the results of a fraudulent election on behalf of at least 150 million Americans would be rather official.
      It would be a dereliction of duty for him not to have said something.


  2. The Democrats aren't lgonna et a little piddly ass SCOTUS decision get in their way of the destruction of America. They're very good of working their way around roadblocks.

  3. It would be a shit-fest to end all shit-fests if they had ruled any other way. Every single President or Lackey of the Party of whatever party (you don't believe it would be just Democrats, do you?) would spend time doing nothing but pressing charges against their predecessor(s),
    Even if Clinton, Bush, Owutzhizname, and the current POS all deserve such for something or another. I'd add DJT but after 8 years of investigations, they still had to make up a law in order to charge him

  4. Bumped back to the lower court to determine if acts were “offical” or not. Best part is St Thomas of DC calling in to question the legality of Jack Smith’s office.

  5. Hell to the Yes. Fuck Joe Biden. These liberal tears are delicious.

  6. I guess I’d say never trust a man who repeats this Republic as a democracy, he too lies.

    1. Perzactly.
      It shows a certain amount of ignorance for the country you live in.

  7. Some of the comments I've read on this decision are among the stupidest I've ever seen. And that's saying something.

  8. Cops have qualified immunity. So do judges, prosecutors, legislators state and federal, governors and even some EMTs, why not the president? Oh,I get it, it’s because itsTrump.


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