
Friday, July 26, 2024

Newsom orders removal of homeless encampments, passes the buck to local governments

California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order Thursday for the removal of homeless encampments in the state.

Newsom's order would direct state agencies on how to remove the thousands of tents and makeshift shelters across the state that line freeways, clutter shopping center parking lots and fill city parks. The order makes clear that the decision to remove the encampments remains in the hands of local authorities.


  1. Nitwit Newsom is pushing responsibility down the authority chain.

    1. With Newsom "the buck stops here" only when it goes into his pocket.

  2. Stalin would be jealous of this tyrant.

  3. Captain Nuisance: Make it so.

  4. I noticed that Coronado , across the bay from San Diego doesn't have a problem of homeless people sleeping everywhere....why ?
    Oh yea, there are laws already on the books that they enforce.
    Every city in California that has that problem let it happen.

  5. It's like he was running for President or something...

  6. Governor Hair Gel now ready for Presidential poly ticks!

  7. They need to take a page from the Republican Governors' book. Each city needs to round up their homeless and put them on buses to Sacramento.

  8. Clean up on isle 9... its election season! The time when all the democraps get tough, start cleaning up and telling eveyone they are the responsible ones, see? I just cleaned this up! But when Thanksgiving comes around again, only the turkeys were fooled by their every 2-4 year annual "fool the fools" charade...

  9. Send the surplus bums to Portland. They'll fit right in. No one will notice, no one will care


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