
Friday, July 26, 2024

One Hit Wonder calls his daughter a skank

Miley Cyrus' dad Billy Ray may have permanently destroyed his relationship with his daughter after branding her a 'devil' and a 'skank' in a shocking audio tirade revealed exclusively by  
Days after 62-year-old Billy's vitriolic criticism of his popstar daughter, 31, was made public, insiders have alleged that the recording was the final straw for Miley, whose relationship with her father was already on rocky terms as a result of his marriage to estranged wife Firerose, 37. 


  1. Billy Ray prostitutes his daughter to the worst dregs of society after prostituting himself, and has the audacity to blame her for what he created.

    Bah, a pox on them all.

    Steve in KY

  2. A goofy fucking bunch!

  3. The truth is often painful to hear...

  4. Note: Miley's Grandfather on her mothers side is on the Federal Reserve Board. Check out some the tats. She's a straight up illuminatti whore in case you were wondering why someone so untalented got promoted so highly. Another thing that I hate to admit - I accidentially saw Billy Ray perform live one time. It was the North Georgia State fair and the concert was free so I sat down to watch. He did several songs and actually sang ok then he lip synched "Achy breaky". It was weird. It was also hilarious watching all the fatso women in the crowd go crazy. He has a large following of large women! I got out of there and went a paid a dollar to go in a tent and see the supposedly worlds largest pig. That was better than the concert!

    1. Where is that fair held? Elijay?

    2. It was held at the Cobb County Fairground. It's not the actual state fair. I think the one in Elijay is the official state fair.

    3. I saw the asshole “perform” after a preseason football game.
      Fucking dirtbag played AchyBreakyButthole no less than 3 fucking times!! Every time he felt like the crowd was getting disinterested, he broke out his one hit…and some dipshits actually cheered. 🙄
      We couldn’t get out of there fast enough!

  5. Never heard of them.

  6. Who gives a $hit

  7. Replies
    1. Just very... very. Very. VERY. late

  8. If she's a skank, and I'm fairly sure she qualifies, he can only blame himself about 90% and the ex wife about 10%. The other one, Noah, probably qualifies, also.

  9. Trashy asshole daddy to his trashy slut daughter, runs in the family

    1. WORD. The only thing this white trash POS ever did which might be considered socially redeeming was when he narrated a very interesting documentary on Rednecks.

  10. I smell a hit comeback song in the making- Stanky Lanky Skank!

    1. Now I'm going to have to sit down and write the lyrics. I'll give you co-credit!

    2. Here's a potential chorus:
      "She's a Stanky Lanky Skank,
      A Devil and a Whore,
      But she made me lot's of money,
      I shoulda had three more."

  11. Despite whatever shortcoming of Silly Gay Virus, his daughter is indeed a skank of the first order. No argument there.

  12. Sadly, he's not wrong

  13. "Although Cyrus's song "We the People" was used as a campaign song by Republican George W. Bush in his 2000 presidential campaign, Cyrus was reported as saying that he had been a lifelong Democrat." -

  14. I remember that every time Billy Ray would win any kind of award, he'd be up in the stage in tears speaking along the lines of "See? I just won another award, I told you all I don't suck, this proves it!"

    And I also remember he tried to push his daughters into the spotlight, until he finally found one that didn't completely reject it. And then he somehow managed to crowbar himself into her TV show, so he could keep that little bit of the spotlight he's always so desperately craved. Any child that falls into the clutches of Nickelodeon producers pays a steep price indeed. And he made that happen.

    I've never understood her appeal beyond those beautiful long legs. She went from having an annoying child voice to having a chain smoking bar whore voice, and her music never did anything for me. I've always figured she had a career because she didn't lose her mind being passed around in Nickelodeon hell (like Amanda Bynes did for example) and she became a bit of an establishment darling because of it. Kinda like Ariana Grande but without an ounce of talent.

  15. The only version of his song I care to listen to is by Weird Al

  16. Demon seed, all around. And they are reaping what they’ve sown.


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