
Friday, July 26, 2024

Patrol to Contact: A squad vs. The 2nd NVA Div. HQ

During the Tet Offensive Mike Co., 3/7 Marines was assigned as a reactionary company for the 1st Marine Div. They moved around in the field from day to day following reports of enemy concentrations or to assist units in contact. For 2 weeks The NVA had caused all sorts of problems and stubborn resistance in the cities they attacked. By Feb 12, they were spent and beginning to pull back relocating outside of the cities in rural villages. After a Mike Co. patrol apprehended 3 NVA nurses in Dodge City on Feb 12, 1968, a squad patrol was sent out into the area to investigate further. Cpl. Jerry Chong and his squad from the 3rd platoon set out into Dodge City on the 13th. What they would discover after engaging a group of NVA was that they had actually stumbled into the base area for the 2nd NVA division and its HQ element. 
As their fellow Marines rushed to their aid, they were ambushed on a road and some of the most experienced leaders in the Company would be killed or wounded trying to save one man, shot, wounded, and used as bait to draw the Marines out from cover to save their friend.

Jerry Chong, Paul Grimala, Jim Hastings, and Burnell Sumpter share their perspective on the fight.

VIDEO HERE  (42:22 minutes)


  1. I haven't watched the video. Maybe later. Dodge City. Been there four times. Once against a battalion of NVA. That my friends was hell on earth with all the frills. Nope, it wasn't a town, least I never saw one. Miss Kitty was not there. It was mostly flat with dried up paddy and jungle. 3/1 India 68-69.

  2. There are some real bad asses.

  3. February 13th 1968 was my 6th birthday.

  4. When you post Nam stuff I've noticed few people respond. I guess it was a long time ago and to many it's forgotten. I wanted to say thanks for continuing to post regardless. It means and awful lot to me. Like somebody gives a shit. I don't want my guys or your Dad forgotten, least not while I'm still kickin.

    1. You, your guys and my dad won't be forgotten as long as I'm still kickin', trust me.


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