
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Paul Harvey - The Rest of the Story - Cafe Coronary

AUDIO ONLY  (3:45 minutes)


  1. Paul Harvey was so great. I never heard this one about the Hemlock Remover though...

  2. Replies
    1. I agree. I grew up listening to Mr. Harvey in the late 60s and early 70s. I always tried to be sure I caught his broadcast.

  3. Paul Harvey was a part of the soundtrack of my career in the Coast Guard. He was always on AFRS, later to be called AFRTS. Armed Forces Radio and Television Service. We were sailors, of course, and called it AFARTS. ...There never has been anyone since who could fill Paul Harvey's shoes...

    1. I've known a few coasties over the years, where were you stationed ?

    2. Did you ever run aground off the tip of the Keweenaw Peninsula?

    3. Trans secretary miss Pete and Governor Hinkenlooper were in a restaurant when a customer at a nearby table began waving his arms and gesturing towards his throat.
      Immediately the duo sprang into action pulling the mans pants down then tonguing his posterior.
      The guy was so shocked he coughed up the piece of steak that had become lodged in his throat.
      The two high fived and returned to their table.
      A paparazzi who was there asked them about their strange method to which Buttigieg replied, that man is very lucky, it was only last week that I heard about the hinney lick maneuver.

    4. Now that is funny right there. Remember listen to Paul Harvey milking cows. Good ties. Must have been mid 60’s.

  4. Two Texans eating the blue plate special at the local diner. Woman at the next table starts choking. One Texan gets up, bends the woman over the table, pulls down her panties and licks the crack of her ass. A hunk a food flies out of the woman's mouth and she can breath. He sits back down and looks at his buddy and says, that hindlick maneuver works every time.


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