
Wednesday, July 03, 2024

The TikTok Ban Is a Blueprint for More Social Media Censorship

TikTok is in trouble: In April, President Joe Biden signed bipartisan legislation that forces ByteDance, the popular social media app's Chinese parent company, to sell its majority stake to a U.S.-based firm. If it fails to do this, the app will be banned in the United States.


  1. If you compare the content here vs. China it is pretty obvious it is psychological warfare on Americans. How many people have been injured or killed trying to follow the latest craze? Cleaning out the gene pool is OK but some of those 'challenges' were just stupid. Eating Tide pods? Really?????

  2. There's not much difference in having a govt. spy app like TikTok or Fakebook on your phone, Mama Gubmint's real complaint is they don't own the data on the former.

    1. Exactly. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube are all "ok" because "it's different when we do it." What a joke.

      The real problem is how to get masses of stupid, valid people to stop using all this garbage. Which will never happen, because human nature.

    2. Big Ruckus: Think of it this way. There's going to be a need for cannon fodder pretty soon.

    3. Oh, they’ll draft the Whites as cannon fodder.
      Mark my words; they won’t send their magic blax and faggots and trannies off to die.

    4. They'll try to run Whitey through the meat grinder. Recent recruitment numbers say Whitey just ain't interested no mo. I don't think conscription is going to work they way they think, either.

      Also, typo in my earlier comment, valid should be "vapid".

  3. I say nuke it from orbit, just to be sure.

  4. More evidence we were better off when the Feds could only wire-tap land lines and steam open postal letters.

  5. A better move would be to require the Chinese parent company to sell its majority stake in Joe Biden...

    1. As opposed to the minority stake he probably has now?

  6. We've been at war with china for 70+ years

    1. Since we saved them from the japs? Again, we fought on the wrong side.


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