
Friday, July 26, 2024

What in the hell is wrong with people nowadays?

A South Carolina man is facing charges after investigators said five dogs were left inside his home for two weeks without food or water. 

According to investigators with Lexington County Animal Services, three of the dogs were found dead.


We regularly leave that asshole dog Jack inside the house for up to 4 hours if we have someplace to go such as an out of town doctor's appointment or a visit with Lisa's folks. He's never been destructive and he's never pissed or shit inside, so we don't even give it a second thought.
That being said, anytime we leave regardless of how long we're planning on being gone, the last thing I do before locking up the house is to make sure he's got food in his bowl and his big-ass water bowl is filled up with fresh water in case we get into an accident and can't make it home


  1. Friend of mine carries a tag on his keychain and a card in his wallet saying "I have a pet at home." in case something happens, but most of the time he leaves the little fucker with us if he's going to be gone most of the day.

    The case discussed here is intentional neglect and should be prosecuted.


  2. YOU are clearly a pet parent and not a pet 'owner'.

  3. we had a dog named Last Chance..a golden retriever that 2 guys had a bet they could turn him mean. he was 3 when we got him from the dog officer. he'd been beaten, starved, shot at, someone hit him in the head with a ballpeen hammer and he was blind in one eye...but there was no mean in him. nicest dog you'd ever meet.

    well anyway we left him at home expecting to be back in an hour. between getting rear-ended by a fire engine that didn't have his lights on but was going like hell anyway, the tow truck driver refusing to tow the vehicle home and would only tow it to his shop, the cops trying to blame my dad for the fire truck hitting us, arrested, released, was 14 hours before we got back to the house.

    well we come in, Last Chance is cowering on the floor in the hallway. full on "I did something wrong and I'm going to be beaten". turns out he used his brain for once, actually pulled a page of newspaper out of the trash all on his own, and shit on it. and sometime after that he climbed into the tub in the bathroom and pissed in there. given the circumstances, I'd say he handled the whole thing pretty well..and no one ever trained him to do any of that, he figured it out on his own.

    we praised him, gave him treats and a nice walk, all the while calling him a good dog. I like to think he understood.

    1. I recently got a dog like that. Terrified of men, and will shake with fear if I carry my shoes past him. Had to work late one night and the poor guy had pooped on the floor next to the back door. He hid from me like I was going to cut his ears off. I had to convince him I wasn't before he would come out from behind my son. He is still the sweetest dog. People are terrible to good dogs for no reason sonetines.

    2. A hell of a good and smart dog. Yeah, he understood. :)

  4. Couple of years ago, my wife fell and hit the inside of her right eye on the corner of a table. We live near Athens, Ga and went to the local hospital emergency room. It was July 4th weekend and any eye doctor who could work on it was not available so they sent us to Atlanta's Grady Hospital where they killed my mother in 1993. Supposedly they were to expect us but the diverse idiot intake person just ignored the package we gave her and sent us to sit in the waiting room which was full of what you would expect in Atlanta on a Friday night. To cut this short, we were gone from home from 4:00 pm (that's 1600) 'til 0700 the next morning leaving our GSD mix home alone. Now, this was 24 hours from the last time she'd been out. It's her choice not to go out in the afternoon. She hadn't done a thing and was glad to see us, but wasn't in that big a hurry to go out. She had celebrating to do. She's never been destructive and obviously is totally house trained.

  5. Hang that asshole at sunrise is my suggestion

  6. Whenever we leave for more than 4-5 hours, I leave the toilet seats up, it'll keep them alive until I can get home.

    1. 2nd that. Topping it off is that the valve leaks so they wouldn't die of an empty bowl later. Also have a pretty good idea where the drain field is to boot!

  7. How is my favorite dog, That Asshole Jack, and NO you can't send him to live with me.

  8. Funny how people care so much about dogs, of which there are plenty. We can see from the comments here on this blog they laugh at a wild bird having its head ripped off, or a parrot being battered by a cat. But oh, give them a dog abuse story and they are all up in arms. It's just simply hypocrisy.

    1. easy there, Teresa, easy there. We like dogs because they really are man's best friend. Yeah, some don't care for birds or other critters much, just how it is. You'll be OK after a good cry.
      Maybe think about a pirate with a parrot on his shoulder if that helps.

    2. Well I'd suspect most of us here eat cows, and pigs(intelligent), and chicken and more. The difference being that's done - and often humanely - for a need, vs. for entertainment. And not everyone gets all sentimental over "man's best friend", they're not all good, some folk use them as a food source, and not all people are going to care about their demise.

      I'm just pointing out the dichotomy in thinking. Grandpa probably secretly votes Dem since the double standard is so ingrained in him.

      --Anon of 10:52

    3. Anon@10:52 Are you sure the same people that always leave positive comments about the dogs are the same people that left the cruel comments about the seagull, or are you in the habit of lumping everybody into the same category?

    4. sorry "Anon @ 10:52", never voted Dem (dumb) - it isn't a double standard to express a preference. I'd wager your love of all critters is a good thing for you, so go with it.
      If you're going to cast aspersions - or talk some shit - grow balls and a spine and sign your name.


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